纳斯达克 (美国上市企业)
共找到 2941 个股票,以下是1-200个
序号 | 股票代码 | 股票名称 | 公司名称 | 注册地 | 上市日期 | 成立日期 | 董事会主席 | 办公地址 | 公司简介 |
1 | QTRH.O | Quarterhill Inc | Quarterhill Inc. | 加拿大安大略省 | 2011-06-01 | 1992-05-14 | James Douglas Skippen | 303 Terry Fox Drive, Suite 300, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada | Quarterhill Inc. is a leading technology innovation and licensing company. Through internal research and development, acquisitions from third-parties and strategic partnerships with third-parties, the Company has acquired patents and patent applications in many different countries, which it has licensed to more than 355 companies in many technology markets around the world. |
2 | GTHX.O | G1 Therapeutics Inc | G1 Therapeutics, Inc. | 美国特拉华州 | 2017-05-17 | 2008-05 | Garry A. Nicholson | 700 Park Offices Drive 4501, Suite 200, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA | G1 Therapeutics, Inc.于2008年5月19日以“G-Zero Therapeutics, Inc.”的名义,以特拉华州的法律注册成立。2012年9月,他们更名为“G1 Therapeutics, Inc.”。该公司是一家私人临床阶段的生物制药公司,总部位于北卡罗来纳州研究三角公园,专注于发现和开发治疗癌症的新疗法。该公司专注于细胞周期依赖性激酶(CDKs),一种在所有人类细胞的生长和增殖中起重要作用的蛋白质家族。 |
3 | NESR.O | 全国能源统一服务 | National Energy Services Reunited Corp. | 英属维尔京群岛 | 2017-06-05 | 2017-01-23 | Sherif Foda | 777 Post Oak Blvd., Suite 730, Houston, Texas, USA | 全国能源统一服务公司成立于2017年1月23日。该公司是MENA地区最大的油田服务提供商之一。收入主要来自于通过提供固井等生产服务来帮助客户释放储层的全部潜力,连续油管,过滤,完井,刺激,泵送和氮气服务。该公司还通过提供钻探和评估服务,例如井下钻具,定向钻探,捕鱼工具,测试服务,电缆,滑线,流体和钻机服务,来帮助客户以更智能,更快捷的方式访问其储层。该公司在中东和北非地区都有重要业务,包括沙特阿拉伯,阿曼,卡塔尔,伊拉克,阿尔及利亚和科威特。 |
4 | NESRW.O | National Energy Services Reunited Corp Wt | National Energy Services Reunited Corp. | 英属维尔京群岛 | 2017-06-05 | 2017-01-23 | - | 777 Post Oak Blvd., Suite 730, Houston, Texas, USA | 全国能源统一服务公司成立于2017年1月23日。该公司是MENA地区最大的油田服务提供商之一。收入主要来自于通过提供固井等生产服务来帮助客户释放储层的全部潜力,连续油管,过滤,完井,刺激,泵送和氮气服务。该公司还通过提供钻探和评估服务,例如井下钻具,定向钻探,捕鱼工具,测试服务,电缆,滑线,流体和钻机服务,来帮助客户以更智能,更快捷的方式访问其储层。该公司在中东和北非地区都有重要业务,包括沙特阿拉伯,阿曼,卡塔尔,伊拉克,阿尔及利亚和科威特。 |
5 | SSTI.O | 枪击探测 | SoundThinking, Inc. | 美国特拉华州 | 2017-06-07 | 2004 | Pascal Levensohn | 7979 Gateway Blvd., Suite 210, Newark, California, USA | SoundThinking, Inc.(曾用名:枪击探测公司)是一家特拉华公司成立于2004年。枪击探测公司提供枪支检测解决方案,帮助执法人员和安保人员识别,定位和制止枪支暴力。该公司为美国,波多黎各,美属维尔京群岛和南非的客户提供基于SaaS的订阅模式的软件解决方案,向世界各地的客户提供。 |
6 | ATXI.O | 大道制药 | Avenue Therapeutics, Inc. | 美国特拉华州 | 2017-06-27 | 2015-02-09 | Jay Kranzler | 1111 Kane Concourse, Suite 301, Bay Harbor Islands, Florida, USA | 大道制药公司于2015年2月9日在特拉华州注册成立。该公司是一家专注于开发和商业化静脉内或IV型曲马多HCl或IV曲马多的专业制药公司,用于管理中度至中度严重的术后疼痛。公司拥有在美国开发和商业化IV曲马多的独家许可,并计划在IV型曲马多以外寻求其他急性/重症监护医院市场开发的产品。 |
7 | CPTAG.O | Logan Ridge Finance Corp Notes | Logan Ridge Finance Corporation | 美国马里兰州 | 2017-06-02 | 1998 | - | 650 Madison Avenue 23rd Floor New York, New York, USA | Logan Ridge Finance Corporation成立于2013年2月马里兰州。该公司是一家业务开发公司,主要投资于第一留置权贷款,并在较小程度上投资于中低端市场公司发行的第二留置权贷款和股本证券。该公司投资于各行各业的表现良好、成熟的中间市场业务。它采用基本信用分析,针对周期性和经营风险相对较低的业务进行投资。 |
8 | IMRN.O | 免疫子制药 | Immuron Limited | Level 3, 62 Lygon Street, Carlton South, Victoria, Australia | 2017-06-09 | 1994 | Paul Brennan | Level 3, 62 Lygon Street, Carlton South, Victoria, Australia | Immuron Limited于1994年根据澳大利亚法律成立。该公司是一家商业和临床阶段的生物制药公司,拥有一个专利技术平台,专注于开发和商业化一类新型的特异性靶向多克隆抗体,公司相信这种抗体能够解决严重的未满足医疗需求。 |
9 | IMRNW.O | Immuron Ltd Wt | Immuron Limited | Level 3, 62 Lygon Street, Carlton South, Victoria, Australia | 2017-06-09 | 1994 | - | Level 3, 62 Lygon Street, Carlton South, Victoria, Australia | Immuron Limited于1994年根据澳大利亚法律成立。该公司是一家商业和临床阶段的生物制药公司,拥有一个专利技术平台,专注于开发和商业化一类新型的特异性靶向多克隆抗体,公司相信这种抗体能够解决严重的未满足医疗需求。 |
10 | MOTAW.O | Mota Group Inc Wt | Mota Group, Inc. | 美国特拉华州 | - | 2003-03-05 | - | 81 Daggett Drive, San Jose, California, USA | Mota Group, Inc. designs, manufactures and markets consumer products — from recreational and commercial drones to smart wearables and innovative mobile accessories for smartphone and camera users. It tries to identify opportunities where users can benefit from new technology, identify the gaps and areas that can be simplified and enhanced, and develop these opportunities into products. Based on its unit sales to date, it believes that more than one and a half million people worldwide have used its products. Its operations are fully integrated — it starts with an idea; it engages in the design process either in-house or in conjunction with third parties; it manufactures its products in outsourced factories, most of which are in China; and it distributes them both from third-party and in-house fulfillment centers and through major retail, e-commerce, and independent dealers throughout North America (and soon Europe and Latin America). Its integrated development process allows us to focus on product quality, cost, timeliness, marketing and customers for the entire commercialization cycle. Since its founding in 2003, it has streamlined its operations to enable us to rapidly deliver advanced, innovative solutions that are also easy to use and fun. |
11 | MOTA.O | Mota Group Inc | Mota Group, Inc. | 美国特拉华州 | - | 2003-03-05 | Michael Faro | 81 Daggett Drive, San Jose, California, USA | Mota Group, Inc. designs, manufactures and markets consumer products — from recreational and commercial drones to smart wearables and innovative mobile accessories for smartphone and camera users. It tries to identify opportunities where users can benefit from new technology, identify the gaps and areas that can be simplified and enhanced, and develop these opportunities into products. Based on its unit sales to date, it believes that more than one and a half million people worldwide have used its products. Its operations are fully integrated — it starts with an idea; it engages in the design process either in-house or in conjunction with third parties; it manufactures its products in outsourced factories, most of which are in China; and it distributes them both from third-party and in-house fulfillment centers and through major retail, e-commerce, and independent dealers throughout North America (and soon Europe and Latin America). Its integrated development process allows us to focus on product quality, cost, timeliness, marketing and customers for the entire commercialization cycle. Since its founding in 2003, it has streamlined its operations to enable us to rapidly deliver advanced, innovative solutions that are also easy to use and fun. |
12 | SLNOW.O | Soleno Therapeutics Inc Wt-A | Soleno Therapeutics, Inc. | 美国特拉华州 | 2014-11-13 | 1999-08-25 | - | 1235 Radio Road, Suite 110, Redwood City, California, USA | Soleno Therapeutics, Inc. is focused on the development and commercialization of novel therapeutics for the treatment of rare diseases. The company’s lead candidate, DCCR, a once-daily oral tablet for the treatment of PWS, is currently being evaluated in a Phase III clinical development program. |
13 | APPN.O | Appian Corp-A | Appian Corporation | 美国特拉华州 | 2017-05-25 | 1999-08 | Matthew Calkins | 7950 Jones Branch Drive, McLean, Virginia, USA | Appian Corporation于1999年8月根据特拉华州的法律成立。Appian提供领先的低代码软件开发平台服务,使组织能够快速开发强大而独特的应用程序。在其平台上创建的应用程序可帮助公司推动数字化转型和提升竞争优势。 |
14 | CELH.O | 燃力士控股 | Celsius Holdings, Inc. | 美国内华达州 | 2010-02-10 | 2005-04-26 | John Fieldly | 2424 N Federal Highway, Suite 208, Boca Raton, Florida, USA | 燃力士控股公司于2005年4月26日在内华达州注册成立。公司从事“功能性”卡路里燃烧健康饮料的开发,营销,销售和分销。根据其资助的多项临床研究,单次服食12盎司可将消费者的新陈代谢提高12%,并持续长达3小时燃烧100卡路里。该公司重点研究在运动前服食健康饮料将获得的额外好处。比如脂肪燃烧增加,瘦肌肉量增加和耐力增加等益处。摄氏卡路里燃烧饮料于2005年首次推出市场。 |
15 | KBLMU.O | KBL收购公司 | 180 Life Sciences Corp. | 美国特拉华州 | 2017-06-02 | 2016-09-07 | Lawrence Steinman,Marc Feldmann | 527 Stanton Christiana Rd., Newark, Delaware, USA | 180 Life Sciences Corp. (formerly:KBL Merger Corp. IV ) is a blank check company organized under the laws of the State of Delaware on September 7, 2016. They were formed for the purpose of effecting a merger, capital stock exchange, stock purchase, asset acquisition or other similar business combination with one or more operating businesses, which they refer throughout this report as their initial business combination. They intend to focus their efforts on acquiring an operating company in the healthcare and related wellness industry although their efforts in identifying a prospective target business will not be limited to a particular industry. |
16 | CPTAL.O | Logan Ridge Finance Corp Notes | Logan Ridge Finance Corporation | 美国马里兰州 | 2017-05-23 | 1998 | - | 650 Madison Avenue 23rd Floor New York, New York, USA | Logan Ridge Finance Corporation成立于2013年2月马里兰州。该公司是一家业务开发公司,主要投资于第一留置权贷款,并在较小程度上投资于中低端市场公司发行的第二留置权贷款和股本证券。该公司投资于各行各业的表现良好、成熟的中间市场业务。它采用基本信用分析,针对周期性和经营风险相对较低的业务进行投资。 |
17 | RILYZ.O | B. Riley Financial Inc Notes | B. Riley Financial, Inc. | 美国特拉华州 | 2021-08-09 | 2009-05-07 | - | 11100 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 800, Los Angeles, California, USA | B. Riley Financial, Inc.于2009年5月7日在特拉华州注册成立。该公司是一家领先的独立投资银行,在洛杉矶、橙县、旧金山和纽约设有办事处,给企业机构和高净值客户提供企业融资,科研,销售和交易服务等。该公司也是资产配置,评估和评估服务的领先供应商,给整个美国、加拿大和欧洲广泛的零售、批发和工业客户,以及贷款机构、投资商,私募股权投资者和专业服务公司提供服务。 |
18 | AFHBL.O | Atlas Financial Holdings Inc Notes | Atlas Financial Holdings, Inc. | 开曼群岛 | 2017-05-12 | 2009-12-21 | - | 953 American Lane, 3rd Floor, Schaumburg, Illinois, USA | Atlas Financial Holdings, Inc. is a financial services holding company whose subsidiaries specialize in the underwriting of commercial automobile insurance policies, focusing on the “light” commercial automobile sector. |
19 | YLDE.O | ClearBridge Dividend Strategy ESG ETF | - | - | 2017-05-23 | - | - | - | - |
20 | CSML.O | IQ Chaikin U.S. Small Cap ETF | - | - | 2017-05-16 | - | - | - | - |
21 | LRGE.O | ClearBridge Large Cap Growth ESG ETF | - | - | 2017-05-23 | - | - | - | - |
22 | ARGX.O | argenx SE ADR | argenx SE | The Netherlands | 2017-05-18 | 2008-04-25 | Peter K.M. Verhaeghe | Laarderhoogtweg 25, Amsterdam, the Netherlands | argenx SE根据荷兰法律于2008年4月25日成立,是一家私人有限责任公司(besloten vennootschap met beperkte aansprakelijkheid)。 于2014年5月28日,根据公证转换契约及修订,该公司转为上市有限责任公司(naamloze vennootschap)。 该公司是一家临床阶段的生物技术公司,开发针对严重自身免疫性疾病和癌症的基于差异化抗体的治疗的深层次治疗。 |
23 | SLNO.O | Soleno Therapeutics Inc | Soleno Therapeutics, Inc. | 美国特拉华州 | 2014-11-13 | 1999-08-25 | Ernest Mario | 1235 Radio Road, Suite 110, Redwood City, California, USA | Soleno Therapeutics, Inc.于1999年8月25日在特拉华州成立。公司开发医疗诊断和基于对天然气流量计量其专有技术疗法。公司的第一个产品,正信,有助于溶血新生儿艾滋病的危险状况,其中红细胞迅速降解,从而导致长期残疾的诊断。 |
24 | SGH.O | SMART Global Holdings Inc | SMART Global Holdings, Inc. | c/o Maples Corporate Services Limited, P.O. Box 309, Ugland Hous | 2017-05-24 | 2011-08 | Penelope Herscher | 190 Elgin Avenue, George Town, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands | SMART Global Holdings, Inc.是一家领先的电子产品设计和制造商,专注于内存和计算技术领域。该公司专门为企业、政府和原始设备制造商(OEM)市场的客户提供特定应用的产品开发和支持。公司以其全球制造和供应链管理能力为客户提供支持。 |
25 | GNTY.O | Guaranty Bancshares Inc | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
26 | NDRAU.O | ENDRA Life Sciences Inc Unit Cons of 1 Sh + 1 Wt | ENDRA Life Sciences Inc. | 美国特拉华州 | 2017-05-09 | 2007-07-18 | Francois Michelon | 3600 Green Court, Suite 350, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA | ENDRA Life Sciences Inc. ("ENDRA") (NASDAQ: NDRA) is a developer of enhanced ultrasound technologies. ENDRA is developing a next generation Thermo-Acoustic Enhanced UltraSound (TAEUS) platform to enable clinicians to visualize human tissue composition, function and temperature in ways previously possible only with CT & MRI - at a fraction of the cost, and at the point-of-care. ENDRA's first TAEUS application will focus on the quantification of fat in the liver, for early detection and monitoring of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD). ENDRA's goal is to bring new capabilities to ultrasound - thereby broadening access to better healthcare. |
27 | FMAO.O | Farmers & Merchants Bancorp Inc | Farmers & Merchants Bancorp, Inc. | 美国俄亥俄州 | 2017-05-10 | 1985 | Jack C. Johnson | 307 North Defiance Street, Archbold, Ohio, USA | Farmers & Merchants Bancorp, Inc.是一家银行控股公司,于1985年根据俄亥俄州法律注册成立,并于2014年成为美联储下的金融控股公司。其主要子公司农民商业银行为社区银行自1897年以来在俄亥俄州西北部和印第安纳州东北部经营。他们的另一家子公司农民与商户风险管理是一家专属保险公司,成立于2014年12月,位于内华达州。农民银行从事商业银行业务。其活动包括商业,农业和住房抵押以及消费者信用卡借贷活动。因为世行的办事处位于俄亥俄州西北部和印第安纳州东北部,大量的贷款组合包括农业用地贷款,如农地,农场设备,牲畜和种子经营贷款,化肥,和饲料。其他类型的贷款活动包括家庭改善贷款和汽车,卡车,休闲车和摩托车等物品的贷款。随着市场扩张进入新兴市场,贷款活动最近的增幅一直在商业房地产市场,提供信贷和机械采购业务。 |
28 | ACCPW.O | Accelerated Pharma Inc Series A Wt | Accelerated Pharma, Inc. | 美国特拉华州 | - | 2014-05-12 | - | 36 Church Lane, Westport, Connecticut, USA | Accelerated Pharma, Inc. is a clinical stage biopharmaceutical company focused on utilizing its genomic technology to (i) enhance the development of pre-existing pharmaceutical products for the treatment of various cancer indications, (ii) prospectively identify patients that may respond to such pharmaceutical products and (iii) commercialize such pharmaceutical products for sale in various markets. |
29 | UONEK.O | Urban One Inc-D | Urban One, Inc. | 美国特拉华州 | 2000-06-02 | 1996 | Catherine L. Hughes | 1010 Wayne Avenue, 14th Floor, Silver Spring, Maryland, USA | Urban One, Inc.是一家特拉华州公司,最初成立于1980年。公司及其子公司是一家以城市和多媒体为导向的公司, 其主要目标是非裔美国人和城市消费者。公司的核心业务是无线电广播业务,此业务是针对非裔美国人或城市的听众最大的无线电广播操作。虽然该公司的主要收入来源于地方和国家的电台广告业务的销售, 但公司的经营策略是针对非洲裔和城市消费者提供数位多媒体娱乐和信息内容。因此,公司通过其他互补媒体资产的收购和投资,使其收入流变得多样化。通过其国家性的多媒体业务,该公司针对非裔美国人和城市客户为广告商提供了独特而强大的交付机制。最近, 鉴于评级方法、经济和人口结构的变化,公司在某些表现不佳的市场分区重组的某些电台。然而,该公司的核心业务还是主要针对非裔美国人或城市听众和消费者。 |
30 | UONE.O | Urban One Inc-A | Urban One, Inc. | 美国特拉华州 | 1999-05-06 | 1996 | Catherine L. Hughes | 1010 Wayne Avenue, 14th Floor, Silver Spring, Maryland, USA | Urban One, Inc.是一家特拉华州公司,最初成立于1980年。公司及其子公司是一家以城市和多媒体为导向的公司, 其主要目标是非裔美国人和城市消费者。公司的核心业务是无线电广播业务,此业务是针对非裔美国人或城市的听众最大的无线电广播操作。虽然该公司的主要收入来源于地方和国家的电台广告业务的销售, 但公司的经营策略是针对非洲裔和城市消费者提供数位多媒体娱乐和信息内容。因此,公司通过其他互补媒体资产的收购和投资,使其收入流变得多样化。通过其国家性的多媒体业务,该公司针对非裔美国人和城市客户为广告商提供了独特而强大的交付机制。最近, 鉴于评级方法、经济和人口结构的变化,公司在某些表现不佳的市场分区重组的某些电台。然而,该公司的核心业务还是主要针对非裔美国人或城市听众和消费者。 |
31 | NESRU.O | National Energy Services Reunited Corp Unit Cons of 1 Sh + 1 Wt | National Energy Services Reunited Corp. | 英属维尔京群岛 | 2017-05-12 | 2017-01-23 | Sherif Foda | 777 Post Oak Blvd., Suite 730, Houston, Texas, USA | National Energy Services Reunited Corp. (“NESR”) is a regional provider of products and services to the oil and gas industry in the Middle East and North Africa (“MENA”) and Asia Pacific (“APAC”) regions. They currently operate in 15 countries, with a strong presence in Saudi Arabia, Oman, Algeria, Qatar, UAE, and Iraq. They derive more than 95% of their revenue from Saudi Arabia, Oman, Algeria, Qatar, UAE and Iraq. With its vast reserves of oil and gas, the MENA region continues to dominate in its role as a vital source of global energy supply and stability. Their products and services include a broad suite of offerings that are essential in the drilling and completion of new oil and natural gas wells and in the remedial work on existing wells, both onshore and offshore, including completion services and equipment and drilling & evaluation services and equipment. |
32 | CACG.O | ClearBridge All Cap Growth ETF | - | - | 2017-05-04 | - | - | - | - |
33 | ALT.O | Altimmune Inc | Altimmune, Inc. | 美国特拉华州 | 2005-10-06 | 1997 | Mitchel B. Sayare | 19 Firstfield Road, Suite 200, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA | Altimmune, Inc.根据美国特拉华州的法律作为医疗保健收购公司——一家仅收购了当时不明业务的特别购买收购公司于2005年4月25日成立。公司是一个生物防御公司从事反生物和化学治疗的下一代医疗对策的开发及商业化。公司目前的生物防御组合包括以下候选产品:SparVax — 一种第二代重组?;ば钥乖奶烤乙呙?;Valortim — 一种炭疽感染的预防和治疗的全人源单克隆抗体; Protexia ,一种重组酶,它模仿天然的生物清除剂预防和治疗被有机磷化合物污染的神经剂,包括神经毒气和农药;第三代rPA的炭疽疫苗和RypVax ,一种针对肺炎和鼠疫的重组双抗原疫苗。公司的目标是成为首屈一指的全球公司,尤其是在抵御生物和化学威胁以及新出现的传染病预防和治疗药物上有着一流的开发和商业化水平。 |
34 | ASV.O | ASV Holdings Inc | ASV Holdings, Inc. | 美国明尼苏达州 | 2017-05-12 | 1983-07 | Andrew M. Rooke | 840 Lily Lane, Grand Rapids, Minnesota, USA | ASV Holdings, Inc. designs and manufactures a broad range of high quality compact track loader (“CTL”) and skids steer loader (“SSL”) equipment, marketed through a distribution network in North America, Australia and New Zealand under the ASV and Terex brands. It also serves as a private label original equipment manufacturer for several manufacturers, which accounted for 34% of its sales in 2015 and 25% of its sales in 2016. |
35 | VERI.O | Veritone Inc | Veritone, Inc. | 美国特拉华州 | 2017-05-12 | 2014-06-13 | Ryan Steelberg | 575 Anton Boulevard, Suite 100, Costa Mesa, California, USA | Veritone, Inc.于2014年6月13日作为特拉华州公司注册成名为Veritone Delaware, Inc.,并于2014年7月15日更名为Veritone, Inc.。Veritone, Inc.及其全资子公司Veritone Media, Inc.,Veritone Enterprise, LLC,Veritone LLC和Veritone Politics, LLC是一家基于云的认知软件公司,从非结构化音频和视频数据中提取认知。Veritone已经开发了一个专有的人工智能平台,解锁认知计算的力量,以转换非结构化音频和视频数据,并结合结构化数据以无缝,自动化的方式分析,以生成可操作的智能。 |
36 | MPAC.O | Model Performance Acquisition Corp-A | Mod-Pac Corp | - | - | - | - | - | - |
37 | MPACW.O | Model Performance Acquisition Corp Wt | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
38 | FMCIR.O | Forum Merger Corp Rt | ConvergeOne Holdings, Inc | 美国特拉华州 | 2017-05-02 | 2016-11-17 | - | 135 East 57th Street, 8th Floor, New York, New York, USA | ConvergeOne Holdings, Inc is a blank check company formed for the purpose of entering into a merger, share exchange, asset acquisition, stock purchase, recapitalization, reorganization or other similar business combination with one or more businesses or entities, which the company refer to as a “target business.” Its efforts to identify a prospective target business will not be limited to a particular industry or geographic region. The company do not have any specific business combination under consideration and it has not (nor has anyone on its behalf), directly or indirectly, contacted any prospective target business or had any substantive discussions, formal or otherwise, with respect to such a transaction. |
39 | USOI.O | Credit Suisse X-Links Crude Oil Shares Covered Call ETN | Credit Suisse AG | - | 2017-04-27 | 1856 | - | 瑞士苏伊士 | - |
40 | VEACW.O | Vantage Energy Acquisition Corp Wt | Vantage Energy Acquisition Corp. | 美国特拉华州 | 2017-04-27 | 2017-02-08 | - | 5221 N. O’Connor Boulevard, 11th Floor, Irving, Texas, USA | Vantage Energy Acquisition Corp. is a newly organized blank check company formed for the purpose of effecting a merger, capital stock exchange, asset acquisition, stock purchase, reorganization or similar business combination with one or more businesses, which it refers to throughout this prospectus as its initial business combination. The company has not selected any business combination target and it has not, nor has anyone on its behalf, initiated any substantive discussions, directly or indirectly, with any business combination target. The company intend to focus its search for a target business in the energy industry, primarily in the upstream oil and gas industry in North America. |
41 | URGN.O | 乌龙制药 | UroGen Pharma Ltd. | 以色列 | 2017-05-04 | 2004-04 | Arie Belldegrun | 9 Ha’Ta’asiya Street, Ra’anana, Israel | 乌龙制药有限公司于2004年4月以以色列国法律成立,名称为TheraCoat Ltd.,2015年9月,该公司更名为乌龙制药有限公司。该公司是一家临床阶段的生物制药公司,专注于开发旨在改变泌尿系统病理学护理标准的新型疗法。 |
42 | VEAC.O | Vantage Energy Acquisition Corp-A | Vantage Energy Acquisition Corp. | 美国特拉华州 | 2017-04-27 | 2017-02-08 | - | 5221 N. O’Connor Boulevard, 11th Floor, Irving, Texas, USA | Vantage Energy Acquisition Corp. is a newly organized blank check company formed for the purpose of effecting a merger, capital stock exchange, asset acquisition, stock purchase, reorganization or similar business combination with one or more businesses, which it refers to throughout this prospectus as its initial business combination. The company has not selected any business combination target and it has not, nor has anyone on its behalf, initiated any substantive discussions, directly or indirectly, with any business combination target. The company intend to focus its search for a target business in the energy industry, primarily in the upstream oil and gas industry in North America. |
43 | OVID.O | Ovid Therapeutics Inc | Ovid Therapeutics Inc. | 美国特拉华州 | 2017-05-05 | 2014-04-01 | Jeremy M. Levin | 441 Ninth Avenue, 14th Floor, New York, New York, USA | Ovid Therapeutics Inc.根据特拉华州法律于2014年4月1日成立。该公司是一家专注于为患有罕见神经系统疾病的患者和家庭开发有影响力的药物的生物制药公司。该公司认为,这些疾病是药物开发的一个有吸引力的领域,因为在过去几年中对潜在生物学的理解已经有意义的增长;但仍被行业忽视。其经验丰富的团队开始了将罕见神经病学的生物学和症状学整合的愿景,为其候选药物的开发采用创新研究和临床策略。使用遗传学和大脑生物学途径的最新科学进步,该公司已经创建了疾病相关途径的蓝图,以鉴定和获得用于治疗罕见神经系统疾病的新化合物。该公司正在执行其战略,在许可证领域与领先的生物制药公司和学术机构合作。该公司正在开发一个强大的临床资产管道,最初的重点是神经发育障碍和罕见的癫痫性脑病。 |
44 | ROSE.O | Rose Hill Acquisition Corp-A | Rose Hill Acquisition Corporation | 开曼群岛(英属) | 2021-12-06 | 2021-03-29 | - | 981 Davis Dr NW, Atlanta, Georgia, USA | Rose Hill Acquisition Corporation于2021年3月29日在开曼群岛注册成立。公司成立的目的是与一项或多项业务进行合并、股本交换、资产收购、股票购买、重组或类似的业务合并。 |
45 | ROSEW.O | Rose Hill Acquisition Corp Wt | Rose Hill Acquisition Corporation | 开曼群岛(英属) | 2021-12-06 | 2021-03-29 | - | 981 Davis Dr NW, Atlanta, Georgia, USA | Rose Hill Acquisition Corporation于2021年3月29日在开曼群岛注册成立。公司成立的目的是与一项或多项业务进行合并、股本交换、资产收购、股票购买、重组或类似的业务合并。 |
46 | SVRA.O | Savara Inc | Savara Inc. | 美国特拉华州 | 2004-04-29 | 1995-12 | Matthew Pauls | 6836 Bee Cave Road, Building III, Suite 200, Austin, Texas, USA | Savara Inc.作为一家特拉华州公司,是一家生物制药公司,致力于开发用于治疗严重或危及生命的疾病。公司一直致力于其绝大部分资源去研究和开发(“R&D”),并收购其候选产品。公司尚未上市或尚未销售任何产品或产生任何显著的收入。2011年通过公司收购SynthRx有限公司,公司收购了该公司的膜粘附和密封胶技术平台,其中包括专有的泊洛沙姆相关的数据和发展了二十多年的临床,非临床和制造经验的知识,公司正在利用马斯特平台开发的MST -188去治疗疾病,其特点是微循环供血不足的条件。在以往年度,公司正在开发Exelbine和ANX- 514,这两者都是研究性肿瘤的程序,但在2012年伊始,公司已经把公司的资源几乎完全集中在MST- 188的开发。 公司于1995年12月在特拉华州成立。 |
47 | ROSEU.O | Rose Hill Acquisition Corp Unit Cons of 1 CL A + 1/2 Wts | Rose Hill Acquisition Corporation | 开曼群岛(英属) | 2021-10-14 | 2021-03-29 | - | 981 Davis Dr NW, Atlanta, Georgia, USA | Rose Hill Acquisition Corporation于2021年3月29日在开曼群岛注册成立。公司成立的目的是与一项或多项业务进行合并、股本交换、资产收购、股票购买、重组或类似的业务合并。 |
48 | NDRA.O | 恩德拉生命科学 | ENDRA Life Sciences Inc. | 美国特拉华州 | 2017-06-28 | 2007-07-18 | Francois Michelon | 3600 Green Court, Suite 350, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA | 恩德拉生命科学公司于2007年7月18日成立为一家特拉华州公司。Endra开发了一种基于热声效应的医学成像技术,显着提高了临床超声的灵敏度和特异性。自2010以来,Endra已经上市出售公司基于结合光的热声和超声成像的Nexus 128系统,以满足研究人员在临床前应用中研究疾病模型的成像需求。 |
49 | NDRAW.O | ENDRA Life Sciences Inc Wt | ENDRA Life Sciences Inc. | 美国特拉华州 | 2017-06-28 | 2007-07-18 | - | 3600 Green Court, Suite 350, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA | 恩德拉生命科学公司于2007年7月18日成立为一家特拉华州公司。Endra开发了一种基于热声效应的医学成像技术,显着提高了临床超声的灵敏度和特异性。自2010以来,Endra已经上市出售公司基于结合光的热声和超声成像的Nexus 128系统,以满足研究人员在临床前应用中研究疾病模型的成像需求。 |
50 | LINU.O | LiNiu Technology Group | LiNiu Technology Group | 开曼群岛 | 2010-07-02 | 2007-09-24 | Fong Weng Nam | Alameda Dr. Carlos D' Assumpcao No: 180, Edf. Tong Nam Ah, Central Comercio, Macau | 犁??萍技庞?017年4月推出犁牛扬网站,运用B2C、C2C以及O2O等各种方式在线上进行农产品的交易,以此来推动中国农业的发展。该网站地址为www.liniuyang.com,同时更可透过安卓平台上的APP进行交易。 |
51 | PLXP.O | PLx Pharma Inc | PLx Pharma Inc. | 美国特拉华州 | - | 2010-01 | - | 8285 El Rio Street, Ste. 130, Houston, Texas, USA | PLx Pharma Inc.最初作为一个有限责任公司,于2010年1月14日公司在特拉华州的法律下成立。该公司是一家后期专业制药公司,最初专注于开发临床验证和专利?;さ腜LxGuard输送系统,以提供更有效和安全的阿司匹林产品。 他们的PLxGuard输送系统的工作原理是将活性药物成分释放到十二指肠内,这是肠胃紧下方的第一部分小肠,而不是胃本身。 他们相信这可以改善目前市场上或开发中的许多药物的吸收,并减少与阿司匹林和布洛芬以及潜在的其他药物相关的急性胃肠道副作用,包括糜烂,溃疡和出血。 |
52 | VSDA.O | VictoryShares Dividend Accelerator ETF | - | - | 2017-04-18 | - | - | - | - |
53 | PCSB.O | PCSB Financial Corp | PCSB Financial Corporation | 美国马里兰州 | 2017-04-21 | 2016-12 | Joseph D. Roberto | 2651 Strang Blvd, Suite 100, Yorktown Heights, New York, USA | PCSB Financial Corporation是一家马里兰州公司,于2016年12月注册成立。除了组织活动之外,PCSB Financial Corporation目前还没有从事任何业务。转换和发行完成后,作为PCSB银行控股公司的PCSB Financial Corporation将被授权进行适用法律法规允许的其他业务活动,包括收购银行和金融服务公司。 |
54 | VRNA.O | 维罗纳制药 | Verona Pharma plc | 英格兰和威尔士 | 2017-04-27 | 2005-02 | - | 3 More London Riverside, London, UK | 维罗纳制药公司根据英格兰及威尔士的法律以Isis Resources plc为名于2005年2月24日注册成立。2006年9月,该公司收购了在加拿大注册成立的私人公司Rhinopharma Limited,并更名为维罗纳制药公司。该公司是一家临床阶段的生物制药公司,专注于开发和商业化创新治疗方法,用于治疗具有显着未满足的医疗需求的呼吸系统疾病。 |
55 | NCSM.O | NCS Multistage Holdings Inc | NCS Multistage Holdings, Inc. | 美国特拉华州 | 2017-04-28 | 2012-11-28 | Michael McShane | 19450 State Highway 249, Suite 200, Houston, Texas, USA | NCS Multistage Holdings, Inc.于2012年11月28日在德拉瓦州注册成立。该公司主要从事为石油和天然气井完井和油田开发战略提供工程产品和支持服务。该公司主要向勘探和生产公司提供其产品和服务,以用于陆上井。该公司经营六个服务设施,主要位于德克萨斯州的休斯敦和米德兰;和卡尔加里,红鹿,大草原和加拿大埃斯特万。 |
56 | SSNT.O | SilverSun Technologies Inc | SilverSun Technologies, Inc. | 美国特拉华州 | 2017-04-19 | 2002-10-03 | Mark Meller | 120 Eagle Rock Avenue, East Hanover, New Jersey, USA | SilverSun Technologies, Inc.成立于2002年10月3日。该公司是一家业务应用,技术和咨询公司,提供战略和解决方案,以满足其客户的信息,技术和经营管理的需要。该公司的服务和技术使客户能够管理,?;ず痛悠笠底什杏ㄎ蘼凼窃谀诓坎渴鸹蛟凇霸品瘛敝校?。该公司的增值服务专注于咨询和专业服务,专业规划,培训和技术支持。公司拥有专用的网络服务业务,提供托管服务,托管,业务连续性,云服务,电子邮件和互联网服务。该公司的客户是全国性的,主要集中在纽约或新泽西大都市区,芝加哥,达拉斯,亚利桑那州和加利福尼亚州南部。 |
57 | IMED.O | PureFunds ETFx HealthTech ETF | - | - | 2016-08-31 | - | - | - | - |
58 | HUNT.O | Hunter Maritime Acquisition Corp-A | Hunter Maritime Acquisition Corp. | 马绍尔群岛共和国 | 2017-01-09 | 2016-06-24 | - | Suite 206, Ajeltake Road, P.O. Box 3055, Majuro, Marshall Islands | Hunter Maritime Acquisition Corp. a blank check company incorporated under the laws of the Republic of the Marshall Islands on June 24, 2016, formed for the purpose of acquiring, through a merger, capital stock exchange, asset acquisition, debt acquisition, stock purchase, reorganization or other similar business combination, vessels, vessel contracts or one or more operating businesses, which it intends to be in the international maritime shipping industry. |
59 | CERCW.O | Cerecor Inc Wt-A | Avalo Therapeutics, Inc. | 美国特拉华州 | 2015-11-13 | 2011-01-31 | - | 400 E. Pratt Street, Suite 606, Baltimore, Maryland, USA | Avalo Therapeutics, Inc. (former name: Cerecor Inc.) is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company with the goal of becoming a leader in the development of innovative drugs that make a difference in the lives of patients with neurological and psychiatric disorders. It systematically identify platforms and product candidates for which human proof of concept exists in the intended indication, for either the target or the compound, and for which biomarkers are available to measure therapeutic response. |
60 | SCACU.O | Saban Capital Acquisition Corp Unit Cons of 1 CL A + 0.5 Wts | Saban Capital Acquisition Corp. | 英属开曼群岛 | 2016-09-16 | 2016-03-15 | Haim Saban | 10100 Santa Monica Boulevard, 26th Floor, Los Angeles, California, USA | Saban Capital Acquisition Corp. is a special purpose acquisition company affiliated with Saban Capital Group, Inc. (“SCG”), a leading private investment firm based in Los Angeles specializing in the media, entertainment, and communication industries. SCG was established by Haim Saban, co-founder of Fox Family Worldwide, a global television broadcasting, production, distribution and merchandising company owned in partnership with Rupert Murdoch and The News Corporation, following its sale to The Walt Disney Company in October 2001. The firm currently makes both controlling and minority investments in public and private companies and takes an active role in its portfolio companies. |
61 | OCC.O | Optical Cable Corp | Optical Cable Corporation | 美国弗吉尼亚州 | 1996-04-02 | 1983 | Neil D. Wilkin, Jr. | 5290 Concourse Drive, Roanoke, Virginia, USA | Optical Cable Corporation于1983年在弗吉尼亚州注册。该公司面向企业市场制造一系列的光纤和铜数据通信布线和连接解决方案,并提供各种必要的产品,作为一种系统解决方案经营,或与其他供应商的产品无缝集成。OCC的产品提供了包括从商业,企业网络,数据中心,住宅和校园安装到特殊应用的定制产品和恶劣环境(包括军事,工业,矿业,石化和广播应用)的设计。公司产品包括光纤和铜电缆,光纤和铜接头,特种光纤和铜连接器,光纤和铜跳线,预端接光纤和铜电缆组件,机框,机柜,数据通信机柜,配线架,面板,多媒体箱,无线分布式天线系统,光纤卷轴和配件与其他电缆和连接管理配件,这些产品旨在满足用户的最苛刻需要而,能够提供高度可靠行的出色的性能特点。 |
62 | INTG.O | The InterGroup Corp | The InterGroup Corporation | 美国特拉华州 | 1979-08-31 | 1985 | John V. Winfield | 1516 S. Bundy Drive, Suite 200, Los Angeles, California, USA | The InterGroup Corporation是特拉华州的一家公司,成立于1985年,是1965年成立的纽约房地产投资信托基金Mutual Real Estate Investment Trust的后继承者。该公司的成立旨在购买,开发,运营, 修复和处置各种类型和描述的不动产,并从事其他有利于公司及其股东的商业和投资活动。 |
63 | MIIIU.O | M III Acquisition Corp Unit Cons of 1 Sh + 1 Wt | Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives, Inc. | 美国特拉华州 | 2016-07-07 | 2015-08-04 | - | 6325 Digital Way, Suite 460, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA | Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives, Inc. ("IEA") is a leading infrastructure construction company with specialized energy and heavy civil expertise. At IEA, they provide an experience that’s not only seamless, but also leaves their clients feeling nothing but confidence in their ability to deliver upon their needs. To instill this confidence, they take a partnership approach—proactively sharing their expertise, foreseeing potential roadblocks, and driving innovation on every project they touch. They strive to always remain agile in the face of adversity—powering through challenges with flexibility and transparency. And above all, they operate upon a foundation of integrity—putting people first in everything they do. |
64 | FTEO.O | FRONTEO Inc ADR | FRONTEO, Inc. | 日本 | 2013-05-16 | 2003-08 | Masahiro Morimoto | Meisan Takahama building, 2-12-23 Kounan, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan | FRONTEO, Inc. is a leading provider of Asian-language eDiscovery solutions and services. They have extensive eDiscovery and forensic experience and expertise with information documented in Japanese, Korean, Chinese and English, and they apply this expertise in connection with litigation, administrative proceedings and investigations. Their clients include leading law firms, corporate legal departments and government agencies. |
65 | BMRA.O | Biomerica Inc | Biomerica, Inc. | 美国特拉华州 | 2016-08-26 | 1971-09 | Zackary Irani | 17571 Von Karman Avenue in Irvine, California, USA | Biomerica, Inc.是一家全球性生物医学技术公司,致力于开发,专利,制造和销售先进的诊断和治疗产品,这些产品可用于医疗机构以及医院,临床实验室进行检测和或治疗医疗状况和疾病。该公司的产品旨在提高人们的健康和福祉,同时降低总体医疗费用。 |
66 | PSET.O | Principal Price Setters Index ETF | - | - | 2016-03-21 | - | - | Business Address 650 8TH STREET DES MOINES IA | - |
67 | CETC.O | 泓利煤焦 | Hongli Clean Energy Technologies Corp. | 美国佛罗里达州 | 2010-02-17 | 1996-09-30 | Jianhua Lv(吕建华) | Kuanggong Road and Tiyu Road, 10th Floor,Chengshi Xin Yong She, Tiyu Road,Pingdingshan,467000 | 河南省平顶山泓利煤焦有限公司是集煤炭资源开发、洗选、焦化、发电及精细化工和新型碳材料为一体的中国河南省在美Nsdaq全球资本市场上市的唯一一家能源综合利用类公司。上市的目的是为了促进我国煤炭资源综合加工利用产业的技术进步、产业提升和规?;?是为了实现"资源有限、创新无限"的公司战略,对资源的综合加工利用是低碳产业的创新性选择,是为了回报社会和投资人的信任。2009年5月20日开工的省属重点项目--90万吨到固焦及煤化工项目(上市公司投资项目)总投资6亿元,2010年12月投产,届时展现在人们面前的是一座高效、综合利用的低碳环保型现代化煤化工企业集团,税收10亿、产值60亿,可提供1600人的就业岗位。2010年2月18日,公司在美国纳斯达克全球资本市场交易。 2010年3月,河南省人民政府和平顶山人民政府特批准公司为河南省唯一一家兼并重组30万吨以下煤矿的主体。公司为该主体地位的确立,为公司三大战略版块形成(即:煤业500万吨/年,炼焦300万吨/年,煤气制天然气和新型碳材料)奠定了坚实的基础。 |
68 | FTW.O | First Trust Taiwan AlphaDEX Fund | - | - | 2012-02-28 | - | - | - | - |
69 | STLRW.O | Stellaris Growth Acquisition Corp Wt | Stellaris Growth Acquisition Corp. | 美国特拉华州 | - | 2021-02 | - | 78 SW 7th Street, Suite 500, Miami, Florida, USA | Stellaris Growth Acquisition Corp. (the “Company”) is a blank check company incorporated in the State of Delaware on February 1, 2021. The Company was formed for the purpose of acquiring, engaging in a share exchange, share reconstruction and amalgamation with, purchasing all or substantially all of the assets of, entering into contractual arrangements with, or engaging in any other similar business combination with one or more businesses or entities (“Business Combination”). Although the Company is not limited to a particular industry or geographic region for purposes of consummating a Business Combination, the Company intends to focus on a business focus on biotech industry. |
70 | OACQR.O | Origo Acquisition Corp Rt | Origo Acquisition Corporation | 开曼群岛 | 2015-01-07 | 2014-08-26 | - | 708 Third Avenue, New York, New York, USA | Origo Acquisition Corporation is a blank check company formed on August 26, 2014 under the name CB Pharma Acquisition Corp. for the purpose of entering into a merger, share exchange, asset acquisition, share purchase, recapitalization, reorganization or similar business combination with one or more businesses or entities. The Company’s efforts in identifying a prospective target business is not limited to a particular industry or geographic region of the world. |
71 | EACQ.O | Easterly Acquisition Corp | Easterly Acquisition Corp. | 美国特拉华州 | 2015-09-22 | 2015-04-29 | Darrell W. Crate | 375 Park Avenue, 21st Floor, New York, New York, USA | Easterly Acquisition Corp., is a blank check company organized under the laws of the State of Delaware on April 29, 2015. Company was formed for the purpose of effecting a merger, capital stock exchange, asset acquisition, stock purchase, reorganization or similar business combination with one or more businesses. Its efforts to identify a prospective target business will not be limited to a particular industry or geographic region, although it intend to focus on companies operating in the financial services industry. It has neither engaged in any operations nor generated any revenue to date. Based on its business activities, it is a “shell company” as defined under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, or the Exchange Act, because it have no operations and nominal assets consisting solely of cash and/or cash equivalents. |
72 | FKO.O | First Trust South Korea AlphaDEX Fund | - | - | 2011-04-25 | - | - | - | - |
73 | IRCP.O | IRSA Propiedades Comerciales SA ADR | IRSA Propiedades Comerciales S.A. | 阿根廷 | 2000-11-15 | 1889-08-29 | Eduardo Sergio Elsztain | Moreno 877, 22 Floor, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina | IRSA Propiedades Comerciales S.A. is one of Argentinans leading real estate companies with commercial goals focused on the acquisition, development, administration and operation of shopping centers, and office buildings. Within the market, it has a position that is synonymous of innovation, continuous improvement and leadership. |
74 | GLBZ.O | 格伦伯尼万通金控 | Glen Burnie Bancorp | 美国马里兰州 | 2001-06-22 | 1990 | John E. Demyan | 101 Crain Highway, S.E., Glen Burnie, Maryland, USA | 格伦伯尼银行是一家银行控股公司。格伦·伯尼银行(Bank Of Glen Burnie)是该公司的附属银行。银行服务于北安妮阿伦德尔县及周边地区,从格伦伯尼总部和分支,马里兰州和在奥登顿的分支机构。由马里兰州的银行法律授权,该银行从事商业和零售银行业务,包括活期存款和定期存款,以及个人贷款等业务。银行的房地产融资包括住宅的第一和第二按揭贷款,信用卡和商业抵押贷款房屋净值。商业贷款的担保和无担保贷款。另外还提供银行汽车贷款。 |
75 | GPACW.O | Global Partner Acquisition Corp II Wt | Global Partner Acquisition Corp II | 开曼群岛(英属) | 2021-03-04 | 2020-11-03 | - | 200 Park Avenue 32nd Floor, New York, New York, USA | Global Partner Acquisition Corp II于2020年11月3日在开曼群岛注册成为豁免公司。该公司成立之目的为与一项或多项业务进行合并、股本交易、资产收购、股份收购、重组或类似之业务合并。 |
76 | FCA.O | First Trust China AlphaDEX Fund | - | - | 2011-04-21 | - | - | - | - |
77 | KZ.O | 空中网 | KongZhong Corp | 开曼群岛 | 2004-07-09 | 2002-05-06 | Leilei Wang(王雷雷) | 北京市海淀区西外大街168号腾达大厦35层 | 空中网公司是中国的一家业内领先的无线增值服务供应商和无线媒体公司。它通过其无线互联网网站提供新闻,内容,社区和流动广告服务。该公司在中国通过多种技术平台,包括无线应用协议(WAP)行动网际网路,多媒体信息服务(MMS),javatm,短消息服务(SMS),交互式语音应答(IVR),彩铃回音(彩铃)等途径提供无线增值服务给消费者。该公司还设有3个无线互联网网站,kong.net,ko.cn和cn.nba.com,这使用户能够直接从他们的移动电话访问媒体,娱乐和社区的内容。 |
78 | MMDMU.O | Modern Media Acquisition Corp Unit Cons of 1 Sh + 0.5 Wts + 1 Rt | Modern Media Acquisition Corp. | 美国特拉华州 | 2017-05-12 | 2014-06-09 | Lewis W. Dickey, Jr. | 1180 Peachtree Street, N.E., Suite 2400, Atlanta, Georgia, USA | Modern Media Acquisition Corp. is a Delaware corporation formed for the purpose of effecting a merger, share exchange, asset acquisition, stock purchase, reorganization, recapitalization or other similar business combination with one or more businesses, which them refer to throughout this prospectus as their initial business combination. They have not identified any potential initial business combination target and they have not, nor has anyone on their behalf, initiated any substantive discussions, directly or indirectly, with any potential initial business combination target. They will seek to capitalize on the significant experience and contacts of their management team and their partnership with Macquarie Capital to complete their initial business combination. |
79 | MGYR.O | Magyar Bancorp Inc | Magyar Bancorp, Inc. | 美国特拉华州 | 2006-01-24 | 1922 | Thomas Lankey | 400 Somerset Street, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA | Magyar Bancorp, Inc.是Magyar Bank的中端控股公司。Magyar Bank是新泽西州特许成立的一家储蓄银行,总部设在New Brunswick, New Jersey,始建于1922年。主要业务包括吸收位于New Brunswick, New Jersey的办公处和Middlesex and Somerset Counties, New Jersey的办公处附近市民的存款,将那些存款和经营批发融资所得资金投资在住宅按揭贷款,房屋净值贷款,房屋净值信用线,商业房地产贷款,商业企业贷款,小企业管理局贷款,建筑贷款和投资信托上。公司还发起主要由抵押需求贷款组成的消费贷款。公司发起的贷款主要是贷款组合。收入来自贷款和证券的收益。证券投资主要包括抵押贷款支持证券和美国政府及政府资助的企业债务。该公司的收入还来自服务收费。资金的主要来源是存款,借款以及贷款和证券的本金和利息。 |
80 | GTYHW.O | GTY Technology Holdings Inc Wt | GTY Technology Holdings Inc. | 英属开曼群岛 | 2016-11-14 | 2016-08-11 | - | 1180 North Town Center Drive, Suite 100, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA | GTY Technology Holdings Inc. is a newly organized blank check company incorporated as a Cayman Islands exempted company and formed for the purpose of effecting a merger, share exchange, asset acquisition, share purchase, reorganization or similar business combination with one or more businesses, which it refers to throughout this prospectus as initial business combination. Company has not selected any potential business combination target and it has not, nor has anyone on its behalf, initiated any substantive discussions, directly or indirectly, with any potential business combination target. |
81 | GPAC.O | Global Partner Acquisition Corp II-A | Global Partner Acquisition Corp II | 开曼群岛(英属) | 2021-03-04 | 2020-11-03 | Chandra R. Patel | 200 Park Avenue 32nd Floor, New York, New York, USA | Global Partner Acquisition Corp II于2020年11月3日在开曼群岛注册成为豁免公司。该公司成立之目的为与一项或多项业务进行合并、股本交易、资产收购、股份收购、重组或类似之业务合并。 |
82 | SLIM.O | Janus Obesity ETF | - | - | 2016-06-09 | - | - | - | - |
83 | HFBL.O | Home Federal Bancorp Inc of Louisiana | Home Federal Bancorp, Inc. of Louisiana | 美国路易斯安那州 | 2010-12-22 | 2010-12-22 | James R. Barlow | 624 Market Street, Shreveport, Louisiana, USA | Home Federal Bancorp, Inc. of Louisiana是路易斯安那州的一家特许公司,是Home Federal Bank的控股公司。Home Federal Bank是一个联邦特许的股票储蓄银行,最初成立于1924年,作为住房建设和贷款协会。该公司的业务主要包括由其市场区域内的房产担保的原始单户房地产贷款,以及在较小程度上,商业房地产贷款、商业贷款和房地产担保信贷额度,这些贷款通常比单户贷款利率高、期限短。 |
84 | LBTYB.O | 自由全球-B | Liberty Global Ltd. | 百慕大 | 2013-06-10 | - | John C. Malone | Clarendon House, 2 Church Street, Hamilton, Bermuda, USA | 自由全球有限公司一家国际宽带和电视公司。该公司专注于建立固定和移动通信机会的强大融合,并不断努力通过高质量的服务和产品来改善和简化客户的生活,让他们可以随时随地自由地联系、交谈、工作和娱乐。 |
85 | EACQU.O | Easterly Acquisition Corp Unit Cons of 1 Sh + 0.5 Wts | Easterly Acquisition Corp. | 美国特拉华州 | 2015-07-30 | 2015-04-29 | Darrell W. Crate | 375 Park Avenue, 21st Floor, New York, New York, USA | Easterly Acquisition Corp., is a blank check company organized under the laws of the State of Delaware on April 29, 2015. Company was formed for the purpose of effecting a merger, capital stock exchange, asset acquisition, stock purchase, reorganization or similar business combination with one or more businesses. Its efforts to identify a prospective target business will not be limited to a particular industry or geographic region, although it intend to focus on companies operating in the financial services industry. It has neither engaged in any operations nor generated any revenue to date. Based on its business activities, it is a “shell company” as defined under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, or the Exchange Act, because it have no operations and nominal assets consisting solely of cash and/or cash equivalents. |
86 | MACQU.O | MCAP Acquisition Corp Unit Cons of 1 CL A + 1/3 Wts | AdTheorent Holding Company, Inc. | 美国特拉华州 | 2021-02-26 | 2020-11-12 | - | 330 Hudson Street, 13th Floor, New York, New York, USA | AdTheorent Holding Company, Inc. uses advanced machine learning technology and privacy-forward solutions to deliver impactful advertising campaigns for marketers. AdTheorent's industry-leading machine learning platform powers its predictive targeting, geo-intelligence, audience extension solutions and in-house creative capability, Studio A\T. Leveraging only non-sensitive data and focused on the predictive value of machine learning models, AdTheorent's product suite and flexible transaction models allow advertisers to identify the most qualified potential consumers coupled with the optimal creative experience to deliver superior results, measured by each advertiser's real-world business goals. |
87 | CATYW.O | Cathay General Bancorp Wt | Cathay General Bancorp | 美国特拉华州 | - | 1990 | - | 777 North Broadway, Los Angeles, California, USA | 国泰万通金控公司于1961年8月22日成立。公司总部设在洛杉矶的唐人街区,位于加利福尼亚州90012洛杉矶北百老汇777号。此外,截至2017年12月31日,该行在加利福尼亚(41个),纽约(12个),马萨诸塞州(1个),德克萨斯州(2个),华盛顿州(3个),伊利诺伊州(3个分公司),内华达州(1个),新泽西州(1个)和香港(1个)都设有分支机构,并在北京、上海和台北设有代表处。香港分行的存款账户不由联邦存款保险公司投保。每个分公司都有贷款审批权,但受分公司经理的授权贷款限额限制。上海和台北代表处目前的活动仅限于协调送至总行的文件传输,并进行联络服务。国泰万通金控公司于1990年在特拉华成立。 |
88 | CYCCP.O | Cyclacel Pharmaceuticals Inc Pfd | Cyclacel Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | 美国特拉华州 | - | 1997 | Christopher S. Henney | 200 Connell Drive, Suite 1500, Berkeley Heights, New Jersey, USA | Cyclacel Pharmaceuticals, Inc.是一家于1996年成立且处于发展阶段的生物制药公司,致力于用于治疗人类癌症和其它重大疾病的新药和与机体有关的药品的开发和商业化。Cyclacel是细胞周期领域的开拓者,它敢于利用仅适合口服的新药来治疗患者。它的目标是在其一系列商业产品和新药筛选机制发展的基础上成为一家着重于血液学、肿瘤学研究的多元化生物医学公司。作为一家处于发展阶段的企业,该公司所有的努力都贡献于其研究和发展上,指导临床试验,开发和收购新的知识产权,提高资金储备和收益率及训练员工。它的目标是开发和商业化面向细胞周期控制各个阶段和用于治疗癌症及其他重大疾病的小分子药物,尤其是那些医疗缺口很大的领域。 |
89 | WYIGU.O | JM Global Holding Co Unit Cons of 1 Sh + 1 Wt | Code Chain New Continent Limited | 美国内华达州 | 2015-07-24 | 2015-04-10 | Wei Xu | 四川省成都市成华区昭觉寺南路119号2层附1号 | 码链新大陆有限公司(前身为TMSR控股有限公司和JM全球控股公司),公司主要从事电子代币的研究、设计和开发,结合五个W元素(何时、何地、何人、为何、何事),通过北斗卫星系统的地理位置,以及使用码链技术的身份信息。电子代币是唯一的、可交易的和可继承的数字资产,不能被篡改。电子代币基于代码链系统并存储在该系统中,可用于监控和记录涉及代码扫描的各种消费者行为。该公司最近将其业务多元化到数字货币挖掘,并致力于成为垂直集成的加密货币挖掘者。 |
90 | SENEB.O | Seneca Foods Corp-B | Seneca Foods Corporation | 美国纽约州 | 1987-01-06 | 1949 | Kraig H. Kayser | 3736 South Main Street, Marion, New York, USA | Seneca Foods Corporation成立于1949年,是领先的低成本生产和销售高质量加工水果和蔬菜的公司,提供的产品还包括罐装,冷冻和瓶装农产品和零食片。 |
91 | GNRX.O | VanEck Vectors Generic Drugs ETF | VanEck ETF Trust | - | - | - | - | - | - |
92 | JSYNU.O | Jensyn Acquisition Corp Unit Cons of 1 Sh + 1 Rt | iSun, Inc. | 美国特拉华州 | 2016-03-03 | 2014-10-08 | Jeffrey Peck | 4050 Williston Road, #511 South Burlington, Vermont, USA | iSun, Inc. (formerly: The Peck Company Holdings, Inc.) , headquartered in South Burlington, VT. iSun is a business rooted in values that align people, purpose, innovation and sustainability. iSun is ranked by Solar Power World as one of the leading commercial solar contractors in the Northeastern United States. |
93 | MTGEP.O | MTGE Investment Corp Series A Pfd | MTGE Investment Corp. | 美国马里兰州 | 2014-05-19 | 2011-03-15 | - | 2 Bethesda Metro Center, 12th Floor, Bethesda, Maryland, USA | MTGE Investment Corp. is a hybrid mortgage real estate investment trust that invests in agency mortgage-backed securities, non-agency mortgage investments, and other real estate-related assets, including skilled nursing and senior living facilities operated by third parties. Their principal investment objective is to provide their stockholders with attractive risk-adjusted returns through a combination of quarterly dividends and net asset value accretion. The Company generate income from the interest earned or lease payments received on their investment assets, net of associated borrowing and hedging costs, and net realized gains and losses on their investments and hedging activities. The Company utilize an active portfolio management philosophy with the goal of preserving net asset value over a wide range of market scenarios. |
94 | EQFN.O | Equitable Financial Corp | Equitable Financial Corp. | 美国马里兰州 | 2015-07-09 | 2015-02 | Benedict P. Wassinger, Jr. | 113 North Locust Street, Grand Island, Nebraska, USA | Equitable Financial Corp. is the holding company for Equitable Bank. Equitable Bank has been in operation in Grand Island since 1882. A full-service bank with 4 branches in Grand Island, North Platte and Omaha, Equitable offers consumer, commercial and ag loans, home loans, checking and savings accounts, financial planning and retirement services. |
95 | HUNTW.O | Hunter Maritime Acquisition Corp Wt | Hunter Maritime Acquisition Corp. | 马绍尔群岛共和国 | 2017-01-09 | 2016-06-24 | - | Suite 206, Ajeltake Road, P.O. Box 3055, Majuro, Marshall Islands | Hunter Maritime Acquisition Corp. a blank check company incorporated under the laws of the Republic of the Marshall Islands on June 24, 2016, formed for the purpose of acquiring, through a merger, capital stock exchange, asset acquisition, debt acquisition, stock purchase, reorganization or other similar business combination, vessels, vessel contracts or one or more operating businesses, which it intends to be in the international maritime shipping industry. |
96 | BHACU.O | Crixus BH3 Acquisition Co Unit Cons of 1 CL A + 1/2 Wts | Crixus BH3 Acquisition Company | 美国特拉华州 | 2021-10-05 | 2021-02-23 | - | 819 NorthEast 2nd Avenue, Suite 500, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA | Crixus BH3 Acquisition Company于2021年2月23日成立为特拉华州公司,成立的目的是与一个或多个企业进行合并、资本股票交易、资产收购、股份购买、重组或类似的业务合并。 |
97 | RDIB.O | Reading International Inc-B | Reading International, Inc. | 美国内华达州 | 2000-01-05 | 1999 | Margaret Cotter | 189 Second Avenue, Suite 2S New York, New York, USA | Reading International, Inc.是于1999年在内华达州重组。公司是主要从事发展、拥有和运营位于美国、澳大利亚和新西兰的娱乐场所和不动产的国际多样化企业。 |
98 | CPAAU.O | Conyers Park III Acquisition Corp Unit Cons of 1 CL A + 1/3 Wts | Conyers Park III Acquisition Corp. | 美国特拉华州 | 2021-08-10 | 2021-01-07 | David J. West | 999 Vanderbilt Beach Road, Suite 601, Florida, USA | Conyers Park III Acquisition Corp.于2021年1月7日在特拉华州注册成立,目的是与一个或多个企业进行合并、股本交易、资产收购、股票购买、重组或类似的业务合并。 |
99 | AUBN.O | Auburn National Bancorporation Inc | Auburn National Bancorporation, Inc. | 美国特拉华州 | 1995-09-15 | 1990 | Robert W. Dumas | 100 North Gay Street, Auburn, Alabama, USA | Auburn National Bancorporation, Inc.是根据1956年银行控股公司法(经修订)在联邦储备体系理事会登记的一家银行控股公司。该公司于1990年在特拉华州注册成立,并在1994年接手阿拉巴马州的前身奥本市银行——阿拉巴马州成员银行在阿拉巴马州奥本市的主要办事处。该公司及其前身自1984年以来已经管理银行。作为银行控股公司,该公司可根据银行适用法律法规,拓展金融服务和其他业务活动??毓晒窘峁够乖诓莆裆虾途咸峁┝烁蟮牧榛钚?。自1907年以来,该行一直运行,目前主要业务在东阿拉巴马州,其中包括李县和周边地区。自1995年4月,该行一直是联邦储备系统的成员。该行的主要监管者是美联储和阿拉巴马州银行负责人。自1991年以来,该行一直亚特兰大联邦住房贷款银行的成员。 |
100 | FITS.O | Janus Health and Fitness ETF | - | - | 2016-06-09 | - | - | - | - |
101 | CLRBW.O | Cellectar Biosciences Inc Wt | Cellectar Biosciences, Inc. | 美国特拉华州 | - | 1996-06 | - | 3301 Agriculture Drive, Madison, Wisconsin, USA | Cellectar Biosciences, Inc.以前名为Novelos Therapeutics, Inc.于1996年6月成立于特拉华州。2014年2月11日,公司更名为现在的名字。它是一家生物制药公司,开发用于治疗肿瘤成像化合物。该公司的癌症靶向技术允许选择性递送的多种剂对癌症细胞,包括癌症干细胞。该公司目前正在开发三种专利的候选产品:I-124-CLR1404 是一种小分子,广谱,肿瘤的靶向性的正电子发射断层扫描(PET)显像剂,该公司认为其必须在范围广泛的癌症肿瘤和转移的选择性检测的第一种可能。I-131-CLR1404是一种小分子,广谱,癌靶向分子放射治疗的直接和选择性地提供细胞毒性(细胞杀伤)辐射到癌细胞和癌干细胞。CLR1502是一种临床前,小分子,肿瘤靶向,非放射性的光学成像术中肿瘤边缘照明和非侵入性的肿瘤成像剂。 |
102 | DLBL.O | iPath US Treasury Long Bond Bull ETN | Barclays Bank PLC | 英国 | 2014-12-29 | 1896-07-20 | - | 1 Churchill Place London, United Kingdom | Barclays Bank PLC is a transatlantic consumer and wholesale bank offering products and services across personal, corporate and investment banking, credit cards and wealth management, with a strong presence in their two home markets of the UK and the US. |
103 | CERCZ.O | Cerecor Inc Wt-B | Avalo Therapeutics, Inc. | 美国特拉华州 | 2015-11-13 | 2011-01-31 | - | 400 E. Pratt Street, Suite 606, Baltimore, Maryland, USA | Avalo Therapeutics, Inc. (former name: Cerecor Inc.) is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company with the goal of becoming a leader in the development of innovative drugs that make a difference in the lives of patients with neurological and psychiatric disorders. It systematically identify platforms and product candidates for which human proof of concept exists in the intended indication, for either the target or the compound, and for which biomarkers are available to measure therapeutic response. |
104 | BICK.O | First Trust BICK Index Fund | - | - | 2010-04-13 | - | - | - | - |
105 | BLVDW.O | Boulevard Acquisition Corp II Wt | Boulevard Acquisition Corp. II | 美国特拉华州 | - | 2015-07-16 | - | 399 Park Avenue,6th Floor, New York, New York, USA | Boulevard Acquisition Corp. II是一家在特拉华州新成立的空白支票公司,公司通过招股说明书阐述了最初的业务组合,主要用于实现合并、资本股票交易、资产收购、股权收购、与一个或多个业务的重组或类似的业务组合目的。它目前为止并未发现任何潜在的业务合并的目标,也没有任何人代表其发起任何实质性讨论,包括直接或间接地与任何潜在的企业合并的目标。 |
106 | LSXMB.O | Liberty Media Corp Liberty SiriusXM-B | Liberty Media Corporation | 美国特拉华州 | 2016-04-18 | 2007-05-07 | John C. Malone | 12300 Liberty Boulevard, Englewood, Colorado, USA | Liberty Media Corporation持有其子公司和其他从事媒体、通讯、娱乐行业公司的利益。通过公司子公司和分支机构,公司主要运营北美市场业务。公司主要业务资产包括公司的联合子公司Starz责任有限公司、Atlanta National League Baseball Club股份有限公司、TruePosition股份有限公司和公司的股权子公司Sirius XM Radio股份有限公司和Live Nation Entertainment股份有限公司。 |
107 | ANDAW.O | Andina Acquisition Corp II Wt | Andina Acquisition Corp. II | 开曼群岛 | 2015-12-08 | 2015-07-01 | - | 250 West 57th Street, Suite 2223, New York, New York, USA | Andina Acquisition Corp. II是一家在2015年7月1日成立的空白支票公司,通过合并、股票交换、资产收购、股票收购、计划安排、资本重组、重组或其他类似的业务组合,一个或多个企业或实体。该公司在识别潜在目标业务方面的努力并不局限于某个特定的行业或地理区域,尽管该公司目前正专注于在南美和中美洲的安第斯地区寻找目标业务。 |
108 | PSC.O | Principal U.S. Small-Cap Multi-Factor Index ETF | - | - | 2016-09-22 | - | - | Business Address 650 8TH STREET DES MOINES IA | - |
109 | JSYNR.O | Jensyn Acquisition Corp Rt | iSun, Inc. | 美国特拉华州 | - | 2014-10-08 | - | 400 Avenue D, Suite 10, Williston, Vermont, USA | iSun, Inc.1972年在特拉华州成立,2019年6月20日,经Peck Electric Co.和Jensyn Acquisition Corp.各股东批准,完成企业合并。Jensyn Acquisition Corp. 于2014年10月8日在特拉华州成立。The Peck Company Holdings, Inc.植根于使人,目标和利润保持一致的价值观。公司被《太阳能世界》评为美国东北部领先的商业太阳能承包商之一,公司为太阳能客户提供EPC服务,其项目规模从住宅用几千瓦到大型商业和公用事业规模的数兆瓦系统不等项目。 |
110 | EFAS.O | Global X MSCI SuperDividend EAFE ETF | - | - | 2016-11-15 | - | - | - | - |
111 | BLVDU.O | Boulevard Acquisition Corp II Unit Cons of 1 CL A + 0.5 Wts | Boulevard Acquisition Corp. II | 美国特拉华州 | 2015-09-22 | 2015-07-16 | Marc Lasry | 399 Park Avenue,6th Floor, New York, New York, USA | Boulevard Acquisition Corp. II是一家在特拉华州新成立的空白支票公司,公司通过招股说明书阐述了最初的业务组合,主要用于实现合并、资本股票交易、资产收购、股权收购、与一个或多个业务的重组或类似的业务组合目的。它目前为止并未发现任何潜在的业务合并的目标,也没有任何人代表其发起任何实质性讨论,包括直接或间接地与任何潜在的企业合并的目标。 |
112 | AAPC.O | Atlantic Alliance Partnership Corp | Atlantic Alliance Partnership Corp. | 英属维尔京群岛 | 2015-04-29 | 2015-01-14 | Mark Klein | 590 Madison Avenue, New York, New York, USA | Atlantic Alliance Partnership Corp.是一家空白支票公司,主要面向新兴企业从事收购,换股,股份重组,并购等资本业务。 |
113 | IVFGC.O | Ivy Focused Growth NextShares | Ivy NextShare | 美国特拉华州 | 2016-10-18 | 2015-07-17 | - | 6300 Lamar Avenue, Overland Park, Kansas, USA | - |
114 | LSBK.O | 莱克肖尔万通金控 | Lake Shore Bancorp, Inc. | 美国纽约州 | 2006-04-04 | 2006-02-13 | Kevin M. Sanvidge | 31 East Fourth Street, Dunkirk, New York, USA | 莱克肖尔万通金控公司作为Lake Shore储蓄银行的中层、联邦特许控股公司,其大部分(61.2%)的发行普通股股票由Lake Shore, MHC公司持有。Lake Shore, MHC公司除了对莱克肖尔万通金控公司大量普通股的投资之外并不从事其他商业活动。莱克肖尔万通金控公司为成为Lake Shore储蓄银行的控股公司于2006年成立。公司对于发放住宅抵押贷款有长期项目,包括住宅净值贷款;公司也发放商业房地产、商业和消费者贷款。 |
115 | AHPAU.O | Avista Public Acquisition Corp II Unit Cons of 1 CL A + 1/3 Wts | OmniAb, Inc. | 美国特拉华州 | 2021-08-10 | 2021-02-05 | - | 5980 Horton Street Suite 600 Emeryville, California, USA | OmniAb, Inc.(曾用名:Avista Public Acquisition Corp.II)的发现平台为制药行业合作伙伴提供了多种抗体库和高通量筛选技术,以实现下一代疗法的发现。OmniAb平台的核心是其专有转基因动物的生物智能(BI),包括OmniRat、OmniChicken和OmniMouse,这些转基因动物经过基因改造,产生具有人类序列的抗体,以促进人类治疗候选物的开发。OmniFlic(转基因大鼠)和OmniClic(转基因鸡)通过一种常见的轻链方法解决了双特异性抗体应用的行业需求,OmniTaur具有??固宓亩捞亟峁故粜?可用于复杂靶点。 |
116 | ELECU.O | Electrum Special Acquisition Corp Unit Cons of 1 Sh + 1 Wt | Electrum Special Acquisition Corporation | 英属维尔京群岛 | 2015-06-11 | 2014-12-12 | Thomas S. Kaplan | 700 Madison Avenue, 5th Floor, New York, New York, USA | Electrum Special Acquisition Corporation 是一家空壳公司,于2014年12月12日在英属维尔京群岛以有限责任公司形式注册成立。该公司成立的目的在于收购,从事股权置换,重组合并,购买全部或绝大部分的资产,进行合同安排,或与任何其他类似的一个或多个企业或实体进行合并,即整个招股说明书提及的最初的业务组合。 |
117 | SCACW.O | Saban Capital Acquisition Corp Wt | Saban Capital Acquisition Corp. | 英属开曼群岛 | 2016-11-15 | 2016-03-15 | - | 10100 Santa Monica Boulevard, 26th Floor, Los Angeles, California, USA | Saban Capital Acquisition Corp. is a special purpose acquisition company affiliated with Saban Capital Group, Inc. (“SCG”), a leading private investment firm based in Los Angeles specializing in the media, entertainment, and communication industries. SCG was established by Haim Saban, co-founder of Fox Family Worldwide, a global television broadcasting, production, distribution and merchandising company owned in partnership with Rupert Murdoch and The News Corporation, following its sale to The Walt Disney Company in October 2001. The firm currently makes both controlling and minority investments in public and private companies and takes an active role in its portfolio companies. |
118 | FOANC.O | Gabelli Food of All Nations NextShares | - | - | 2017-02-14 | 2015-03-20 | - | One Corporate Center, Rye, New York 10580-1422 | - |
119 | RIBTW.O | RiceBran Technologies Wt | RiceBran Technologies | 美国加利福尼亚州 | - | 1998-03-18 | - | 25420 Kuykendahl Rd., Suite B300, Tomball, Texas, USA | RiceBran Technologies是从事人类食品原料、营养供应和动物营养学的企业,以其专利技术为健康、自然、富有营养专利技术研发产品全新的大米品牌(简称RRB)和尚未被充分利用的大米研磨产品。美国和巴西联合经营项目是围绕加工生物精化RRB时增加高营养物质成分和完成最终产品。在过去的十年里,Ricebran已研发优化生物精化过程中使人类食用的肉质、烘焙食品、谷物食品健康、佐料、保健食品、滋补品营和养高档的动物补品趋于自然、低过敏原、无谷胶和无转基因改进。公司于1998年3月18日依照加利福尼亚州法律建立。 |
120 | WHLM.O | Wilhelmina国际 | Wilhelmina International, Inc. | 美国特拉华州 | 2014-08-05 | 1967 | Mark E. Schwarz | 5420 Lyndon B Johnson Freeway, Box #25 Dallas, Texas, USA | Wilhelmina International, Inc.总部位于纽约其主要业务是时尚型的管理。该公司的前身是成立于1967年威廉明娜库珀,他在世界上是著名时装模特也是最古老,最知名,规模最大的时尚模特经纪公司。该公司是由经营公司和部门专注于时尚型和人才管理业务,以及业务领域互补的时装模特和人才管理等业务牌照,品牌,竞赛,活动和电视组成。公司的主要业务集中在以下重点领域:时尚模特经纪,发型及化妆,人才管理,授权及品牌形象(包括竞赛,活动和电视)。 |
121 | HUNTU.O | Hunter Maritime Acquisition Corp Unit Cons of 1 CL A + 0.5 Wts | Hunter Maritime Acquisition Corp. | 马绍尔群岛共和国 | 2016-11-18 | 2016-06-24 | - | Suite 206, Ajeltake Road, P.O. Box 3055, Majuro, Marshall Islands | Hunter Maritime Acquisition Corp. a blank check company incorporated under the laws of the Republic of the Marshall Islands on June 24, 2016, formed for the purpose of acquiring, through a merger, capital stock exchange, asset acquisition, debt acquisition, stock purchase, reorganization or other similar business combination, vessels, vessel contracts or one or more operating businesses, which it intends to be in the international maritime shipping industry. |
122 | ORG.O | Janus Organics ETF | - | - | 2016-06-09 | - | - | - | - |
123 | AXARU.O | Axar Acquisition Corp Unit Cons of 1 Sh + 0.5 Wts | Axar Acquisition Corp. | 美国特拉华州 | 2014-10-02 | 2014-07-25 | Andrew Axelrod | 1330 Avenue of the Americas – 6th Floor, New York, New York, USA | Axar Acquisition Corp. is a blank check shell company. |
124 | MOGLC.O | Gabelli Media Mogul NextShares | - | - | 2016-12-01 | 2015-03-20 | - | One Corporate Center, Rye, New York 10580-1422 | - |
125 | LMFAW.O | LM Funding America Inc Wt | LM Funding America, Inc. | 美国特拉华州 | 2015-12-08 | 2008-01 | - | 302 Knights Run Avenue, Suite 1000 Tampa, Florida, USA | LM Funding America, Inc., together with its subsidiaries, is a specialty finance company that provides funding to nonprofit community associations (Associations) primarily located in the state of Florida, as well as in the states of Washington, Colorado and Illinois. The company offers funding to Associations by purchasing a certain portion of the Associations’ rights to delinquent accounts that are selected by the Associations arising from unpaid Association assessments. It is also involved in the business of purchasing delinquent accounts on various terms tailored to suit each Association’s financial needs, including under its New Neighbor Guaranty program. The company was founded in 2008 and is based in Tampa, Florida. The company's common shares and warrants trade on the NASDAQ Capital Market under the symbols "LMFA" and "LMFAW”. |
126 | PSIX.O | Power Solutions International Inc | Power Solutions International, Inc. | 美国特拉华州 | 2013-05-28 | 1985 | Shaojun Sun | 201 Mittel Drive, Wood Dale, Illinois, USA | 国际电力解决方案公司是一家全球高性能的,低排放的,带能力系统生产商和经销商。该公司的电力系统配置包括将发动机与合适的燃料系统组件结合来完成大型的电力系统(包括任何形式的制冷系统,电子系统,进气系统,燃油系统,机架,动力输出系统,排气系统,液压系统,机箱,支架,软管,管材和其他组装元件的组合)。2014年4月,Power Solutions International Inc收购了Professional Power Products Inc。 |
127 | XGTIW.O | xG Technology Inc Wt | Vislink Technologies, Inc. | 美国特拉华州 | - | 2002-08-26 | - | 240 South Pineapple Avenue, Suite 701, Sarasota, Florida, USA | Vislink Technologies, Inc.有相似已经开发了一系列的创新知识产权,公司认为它们将提高无线通信,知识产权主要嵌入在有所有权的软件算法(该算法能提供认知干预缓解和)和频谱接入方案中。总公司在无线通信行业面临频谱?;ǘ粤榛畹目芍Ц兜纳粲胧萃ǖ赖男枨罂焖俜⒄梗┦背闪?。公司已经开发了频率诊断认知无线电方案来解决增长的需求,主要是通过消除购买稀少并昂贵的无线电频谱的需要来解决问题,进而降低了拥有无线宽带途径所有权的总成本。在面临如此快速增长的挑战互联网能力的需求时,公司的知识产权还帮助无线宽带网络经营商更有效地利用现有的频谱分配。公司正在以全世界更多行业为目标发展业务,比如电信、有线、国防和公共安全行业,并在郊区和城市范围以及远征部署地方进行销售。公司依据特拉华州法律在2002年8月26日作为一家有限责任公司成立。 |
128 | CTIB.O | 运鸿CTI | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
129 | FAAR.O | First Trust Alternative Absolute Return Strategy ETF | - | - | 2016-05-12 | - | - | - | - |
130 | OACQU.O | Origo Acquisition Corp Unit Cons of 1 Sh + 1 Wt + 1 Rt | Origo Acquisition Corporation | 开曼群岛 | 2014-12-12 | 2014-08-26 | Adam E. Levin | 708 Third Avenue, New York, New York, USA | Origo Acquisition Corporation is a blank check company formed on August 26, 2014 under the name CB Pharma Acquisition Corp. for the purpose of entering into a merger, share exchange, asset acquisition, share purchase, recapitalization, reorganization or similar business combination with one or more businesses or entities. The Company’s efforts in identifying a prospective target business is not limited to a particular industry or geographic region of the world. |
131 | DGICB.O | 多尼戈尔股份-B | Donegal Group, Inc. | 美国特拉华州 | 1987-08-19 | 1986-08-26 | Jack L. Hess | 1195 River Road, Marietta, Pennsylvania, USA | 多尼戈尔股份公司是一家保险控股公司,它的子公司在大西洋西部、新英格兰和南部22个州向企业和个人提供的财产和意外伤害保险。 |
132 | DISCB.O | 探索频道-B | Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc. | 美国特拉华州 | 2008-09-18 | 2008-09-17 | Samuel A. Di Piazza, Jr. | 230 Park Avenue South, New York, New York, USA | 华纳兄弟探索公司(NASDAQ: WBD)是一家全球领先的媒体和娱乐公司,创建和发行世界上最具差异化和完整的内容和品牌组合,横跨电视、电影和流媒体?;尚值芴剿髌档涝谌?20多个国家和地区,使用50种语言,通过其标志性品牌和产品激励、宣传和娱乐全世界的观众,包括:探索频道,探索+,CNN, CNN+, DC,欧洲体育,HBO, HBO Max, HGTV,美食网,调查发现,TLC, TNT, TBS, truTV,旅游频道,MotorTrend,动物星球,科学频道,华纳兄弟影业,新线影院,卡通网,成人游泳,特纳经典电影等。 |
133 | CDEVW.O | Centennial Resource Development Inc Wt | Centennial Resource Development, Inc. | 美国特拉华州 | 2016-04-15 | 2015-11-04 | - | 1001 Seventeenth Street, Suite 1800, Denver, Colorado, USA | Centennial Resource Development, Inc. is an independent oil and natural gas company focused on the development of unconventional oil and associated liquids-rich natural gas reserves in the Permian Basin. The Company’s assets and operations, which are held and conducted through Centennial Resource Production, LLC, are concentrated in the Delaware Basin, a sub-basin of the Permian Basin. |
134 | IVFVC.O | Ivy Focused Value NextShares | Ivy NextShare | 美国特拉华州 | 2016-10-18 | 2015-07-17 | - | 6300 Lamar Avenue, Overland Park, Kansas, USA | - |
135 | FSBC.O | Five Star Bancorp | Five Star Bancorp | 美国加利福尼亚州 | 2021-05-05 | 1999-10-26 | Robert T. Perry-Smith | 3100 Zinfandel Drive, Suite 100, Rancho Cordova, California, USA | Five Star Bancorp于2002年9月16日在加利福尼亚州成立,随后获得了美联储理事会的批准,成为一家银行控股公司,涉及其对银行的收购。他们的使命是通过卓越的服务,深厚的连接性和客户同理心努力成为其服务的所有市场中的顶级商业银行。他们致力于为房地产,农业,基于信仰的和中小型企业提供服务。他们的目标是始终如一地交付达到或超过其股东,客户,员工,业务合作伙伴和社区期望的价值。 |
136 | ANDAU.O | Andina Acquisition Corp III Unit Cons of 1 Sh + 1 Wt + 1 Rt | Stryve Foods, Inc. | 开曼群岛(英属) | 2019-01-29 | 2016-07-29 | B. Luke Weil | 5801 Tennyson Parkway, Suite 275 Plano, Texas, USA | Stryve Foods, Inc. 's business is shoping biltong. Biltong is a process for preserving meat that originated centuries ago in South Africa. Stryve Biltong is 100% beef with no sugar, MSG, gluten, nitrates or preservatives. All natural. All flavorful. Always air dried to lock in flavor and nutrients. And - biltong has more protein in every bite than jerky. |
137 | TCBIW.O | Texas Capital Bancshares Inc Wt | Texas Capital Bancshares, Inc. | 美国特拉华州 | 2010-03-12 | 1996-11 | - | 2000 McKinney Avenue, Suite 700, Dallas, Texas, USA | Texas Capital Bancshares, Inc., a member of the Russell 1000 Index and the S&P MidCap 400, is the parent company of Texas Capital Bank, a commercial bank that delivers highly personalized financial services to businesses and entrepreneurs. Headquartered in Dallas, the bank has full-service locations in Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston and San Antonio. |
138 | LINK.O | 互联电子 | Interlink Electronics, Inc. | 美国内华达州 | 2016-04-25 | 1985-02-27 | Steven N. Bronson | 1 Jenner, Suite 200, Irvine, California, USA | 互联电子公司是于1985年2月27日在加利福尼亚州注册成立。1996年7月10日,该公司重新纳入特拉华州公司,并于2012年7月20日,该公司再次改变了他们的注册地,从特拉华州到内华达州通过完成合并成为名为互联电子的新成立的内华达州注册公司?;チ缱庸旧杓?,开发,生产和销售一系列力感应技术,将他们专有的材料技术,固件和软件集成到标准的产品和定制解决方案组合。 |
139 | ANDA.O | Andina Acquisition Corp II | Andina Acquisition Corp. II | 开曼群岛 | 2015-12-08 | 2015-07-01 | - | 250 West 57th Street, Suite 2223, New York, New York, USA | Andina Acquisition Corp. II是一家在2015年7月1日成立的空白支票公司,通过合并、股票交换、资产收购、股票收购、计划安排、资本重组、重组或其他类似的业务组合,一个或多个企业或实体。该公司在识别潜在目标业务方面的努力并不局限于某个特定的行业或地理区域,尽管该公司目前正专注于在南美和中美洲的安第斯地区寻找目标业务。 |
140 | FNTEU.O | FinTech Acquisition Corp II Unit Cons of 1 Sh + 0.5 Wts | International Money Express, Inc. | 美国特拉华州 | 2017-01-20 | 2015-05-28 | Robert Lisy | 9480 South Dixie Highway, Miami, Florida, USA | International Money Express, Inc., a blank check company incorporated in Delaware on May 28, 2015, was formed for the purpose of acquiring, through a merger, capital stock exchange, asset acquisition, stock purchase, reorganization or other similar business transaction, one or more operating businesses or assets that the Company has not yet identified. The Company has neither engaged in any operations nor generated significant revenue to date. |
141 | PAVMW.O | PAVmed Inc Wt | PAVmed Inc. | 美国特拉华州 | 2016-07-27 | 2014-06-26 | - | One Grand Central Place, Suite 4600, New York, USA | PAVmed Inc. operates as a medical device company in the United States. The company’s product pipeline includes NextFlo, a disposable infusion pump; PortIO, a long-term implantable vascular access device; Caldus, a disposable tissue ablation device; CarpX, a percutaneous device to treat carpal tunnel syndrome; and NextCath, a self-anchoring short-term catheter. The company was formerly known as PAXmed Inc. and changed its name to PAVmed Inc. in April 2015. PAVmed Inc. was founded in 2014 and is headquartered in New York, New York. |
142 | IVENC.O | Ivy Energy NextShares | Ivy NextShare | 美国特拉华州 | 2016-10-18 | 2015-07-17 | - | 6300 Lamar Avenue, Overland Park, Kansas, USA | - |
143 | GENY.O | Principal Millennials ETF | - | - | 2016-08-22 | - | - | Business Address 650 8TH STREET DES MOINES IA | - |
144 | LNGR.O | Global X Longevity Thematic ETF | - | - | 2016-05-10 | - | - | - | - |
145 | LCA.O | Landcadia Holdings IV Inc-A | Landcadia Holdings IV, Inc. | 美国特拉华州 | 2021-05-17 | 2020-08-13 | Tilman J. Fertitta,Richard Handl | 1510 West Loop South, Houston, Texas, USA | Landcadia Holdings IV, Inc.是一家于2020年8月13日在特拉华州注册成立的空白支票公司。该公司的成立是为了实现合并,资本交换,资产收购,股票购买,重组或与一个或多个业务的业务合并。 |
146 | SAJA.O | Sajan Inc | Sajan, Inc. | 美国特拉华州 | 2014-09-04 | 1997 | Shannon Zimmerman | 625 Whitetail Blvd., River Falls, Wisconsin, USA | Sajan, Inc.(Sajan) is a leading provider of global language translation and localization services, helping clients around the world expand seamlessly into any global market. The foundation of Sajan’s solution is its industry-leading language translation management system technology, Sajan Transplicity, which provides process automation and innovative multilingual content reuse to ensure schedule predictability, higher quality and cost efficiencies for its clients. By working closely with its clients, Sajan’s experienced team of localization professionals develops tailored solutions that lend flexibility to any large or small business that truly desires to “think globally but act locally.” |
147 | EVK.O | 华瑞服装 | Ever-Glory International Group, Inc. | 美国佛罗里达州 | 2014-12-31 | 1994-10-19 | Edward Yihua Kang | 江苏省南京市江宁经济技术开发区诚信大道509号 | 华瑞国际集团公司总部位于中国南京,是中国领先的服装供应链经理和零售商。公司专注于中高档休闲服,外套和运动服品牌。旗下子公司江苏华瑞服装有限公司在欧洲,美国,日本和中国建立了全球战略合作伙伴关系,与多家知名品牌和零售连锁店开展业务。此外,江苏华瑞服装有限公司经营着自己的国内连锁零售店,名为“LAGOGO”。 |
148 | MICTW.O | Micronet Enertec Technologies Inc Wt | Tingo Group, Inc. | 美国特拉华州 | - | 2002-01-31 | - | 28 West Grand Avenue, Suite 3, Montvale, New Jersey, USA | Tingo Group, Inc.(曾用 名:MICT, Inc.)于2002年1月31日在特拉华州成立。2013年3月14日,它从Lapis Technologies, Inc.改名为Micronet Enertec Technologies,Inc.20180713年更名为MICT, Inc.MICT,Inc.通过其子公司GFH Intermediate Holdings Ltd.(“GFHI”)和Micronet Ltd.(“Micronet”)进行运营。GFHI的通用专有交易技术平台旨在为全球金融科技领域的众多高增长行业提供服务。主要关注领域包括股票交易和财富管理服务的在线经纪以及在几个高增长的外国市场(包括亚洲)中的保险产品销售,GFHI在亚洲拥有大量用户数据库。Micronet在不断增长的远程信息处理和商业移动资源管理市场中运营,主要在美国和欧洲。Micronet设计,开发,制造和销售移动计算解决方案,可为车队运营商和现场工作人员在具有挑战性的工作环境中提供计算解决方案。 |
149 | MBRG.O | Middleburg Financial Corp | Middleburg Financial Corporation | 美国弗吉尼亚州 | 2000-09-15 | 1993 | John C. Lee, IV | 111 West Washington Street,Middleburg,VA,20117 | Middleburg Financial Corp是一个银行持股公司。公司主要通过两个全资子公司来进行业务运营,Middleburg银行和Middleburg投资集团公司。该公司主要开展三部分业务:商业和零售银行业务,财富管理服务和抵押贷款服务。 |
150 | KELYB.O | 凯利服务-B | Kelly Services, Inc. | 美国特拉华州 | 1985-03-07 | 1946-10-07 | Donald R. Parfet | 999 West Big Beaver Road, Troy, Michigan, USA | 凯利服务公司于1946年由威廉.凯利创办,凯利服务在整个公司的67年历史里为各种类别的行业的顾客开发创新人力资源解决方案。公司的解决方案水平多年来稳步提高并不断适应顾客的需求变化。公司已经从一个主要以传统式办公室办公的美国本土公司转变为全球性人力资源方案专业化领先提供者。在被计入世界最大的科学人力资源提供商之一的同时,公司还是信息技术、工程、财务人事方面的领先者,公司不断更新法律,医疗,教育和创新服务方面的专业技术员工。这些特殊的服务项目提升了公司的办公服务,联系中心,提高行业水平和人员素质的专业技术水平。随着人力资源领域的更加复杂,公司开发了一套创新的解决方案来帮助供应国际性的大型企业管理人才,这套方案由外包、咨询、招聘、职业转换和供应商管理服务组成。 |
151 | CIL.O | VictoryShares International Volatility Wtd ETF | - | - | 2015-08-20 | - | - | - | - |
152 | EACQW.O | Easterly Acquisition Corp Wt | Easterly Acquisition Corp. | 美国特拉华州 | 2015-09-22 | 2015-04-29 | - | 375 Park Avenue, 21st Floor, New York, New York, USA | Easterly Acquisition Corp., is a blank check company organized under the laws of the State of Delaware on April 29, 2015. Company was formed for the purpose of effecting a merger, capital stock exchange, asset acquisition, stock purchase, reorganization or similar business combination with one or more businesses. Its efforts to identify a prospective target business will not be limited to a particular industry or geographic region, although it intend to focus on companies operating in the financial services industry. It has neither engaged in any operations nor generated any revenue to date. Based on its business activities, it is a “shell company” as defined under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, or the Exchange Act, because it have no operations and nominal assets consisting solely of cash and/or cash equivalents. |
153 | WVVIP.O | Willamette Valley Vineyards Inc Series A Pfd | Willamette Valley Vineyards, Inc. | 美国俄勒冈州 | 2016-06-29 | 1988-05 | James W. Bernau | 8800 Enchanted Way, S.E., Turner, Oregon, USA | Willamette Valley Vineyards, Inc.成立于1988年5月,生产和销售优质葡萄酒。公司在1983年由俄勒冈酿酒商人吉姆 波诺创立,是私人拥有的公司。葡萄酒是用种植在公司拥有的、租赁的或承包的总共791英亩的葡萄园里生长的葡萄,以及从其他邻近葡萄园中购买的葡萄制成。葡萄在公司的特纳酒厂采摘、发酵并制成酒,葡萄酒在威拉美特谷酒庄的商标下售卖。公司是图拉丁葡萄园地产公司和酒厂的所有者。 |
154 | FORTY.O | 配方系统 | Formula Systems (1985) Ltd. | 以色列 | 1997-10-20 | 1985-04-02 | Marek Panek | Terminal Center,1 Yahadut Canada Street, Or-Yehuda, Israel | 配方系统(1985)有限公司于1985年4月2日在以色列注册成立。它是总部设在以色列的一个全球性的IT解决方案和服务的公司。该公司主要从事提供软件咨询服务,开发专有软件产品,提供基于计算机的业务解决方案。该公司在全球50多个国家为客户复杂的IT服务需求提供了解决方案,包括一些“财富1000强”企业。该公司通过其三个直接控股的子公司运营:Matrix、Magic Software和Sapiens。 |
155 | EPIX.O | ESSA Pharma Inc | ESSA Pharma Inc. | Suite 2600, 595 Burrard Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, Can | 2015-07-09 | 2009-01-06 | Richard M. Glickman | Suite 720, 999 West Broadway, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada | ESSA Pharma Inc.根据不列颠哥伦比亚省法律于2009年1月6日注册成立。该公司是一家处于发展阶段的制药公司,专注于小分子药物的开发以治疗阉割性前列腺癌(“CRPC”)。该公司正在开发的药物是选择性阻断雄激素受体(“AR”)的氨基末端结构域(“NTD”),能够潜在地克服CRPC的已知AR - 依赖性机制,从而使CRPC患者病情不恶化,提高生存率。 |
156 | MAYS.O | 梅斯物业 | J.W. Mays, Inc. | 美国纽约州 | 1984-12-14 | 1924 | Lloyd J. Shulman | 9 Bond Street, Brooklyn, New York, USA | 梅斯物业公司起始于1924年,并于1927年7月6日根据纽约州法律注册成立。该公司经营许多商业房地产。 |
157 | MAMS.O | MAM Software Group Inc | MAM Software Group, Inc. | 美国特拉华州 | 2013-05-13 | 2003 | - | Two Valley Square, Suite 220, 512 Township Line Road, Blue Bell, Pennsylvania, USA | MAM Software Group, Inc. (MAM),其前身是Aftersoft Group, Inc,该公司提供软件,信息和相关服务,从事美国,加拿大,英国和爱尔兰的汽车售后市场业务。该公司的业务管理系统,信息产品和在线服务允许客户通过自动化,信息化产品,库存管理,采购,一般会计和客户关系管理的销售点来管理他们的关键的一天到一天的业务运营。该公司的收入来源于销售业务管理系统,包括软件应用,实施和培训;并提供基于订阅的服务,包括软件支持和维护,信息(内容)产品和在线服务是收费的。 |
158 | VKTXW.O | Viking Therapeutics Inc Wt | Viking Therapeutics, Inc. | 美国特拉华州 | - | 2012-09-24 | - | 9920 Pacific Heights Blvd, Suite 350, San Diego, California, USA | Viking Therapeutics, Inc.于2012年9月24号在特拉华州成立。该公司是一个临床阶段的生物制药公司,致力于开发新的,第一类或最好的新陈代谢和内分泌失调类疗法。该公司拥有全球独家权利基于许可的配体小分子组合在五个候选药物在临床试验或临床前研究。公司的主导临床程序是VK0612,它是进入2b期临床试验为2型全球最大的健康挑战之一的治疗糖尿病疾病口服药物,它在同药物中排列第一。公司的第二临床程序vk5211,可把口服的候选药物送入第二阶段临床试验治疗一种复杂的疾病特点的不受控制的肌肉质量下降癌症恶病。VK5211是一种非甾体选择性雄激素受体调节剂,或SARM。 |
159 | IRDMB.O | Iridium Communications Inc Series B Pfd | Iridium Communications Inc. | 美国特拉华州 | 2014-05-20 | 2007-11 | Robert H. Niehaus | 1750 Tysons Boulevard, Suite 1400, McLean, Virginia, USA | Iridium Communications Inc. is the only mobile voice and data satellite communications network that spans the entire globe. Iridium enables connections between people, organizations and assets to and from anywhere, in real time. Together with its ecosystem of partner companies, Iridium delivers an innovative and rich portfolio of reliable solutions for markets that require truly global communications. The company has a major development program underway for its next-generation network – Iridium NEXT. Iridium Communications Inc. is headquartered in McLean, Va., U.S.A., and its common stock trades on the NASDAQ Global Select Market under the ticker symbol IRDM. |
160 | GPACU.O | Global Partner Acquisition Corp II Unit Cons of 1 CL A + 1/6 Wts | Global Partner Acquisition Corp II | 开曼群岛(英属) | 2021-01-12 | 2020-11-03 | Chandra R. Patel | 200 Park Avenue 32nd Floor, New York, New York, USA | Global Partner Acquisition Corp II于2020年11月3日在开曼群岛注册成为豁免公司。该公司成立之目的为与一项或多项业务进行合并、股本交易、资产收购、股份收购、重组或类似之业务合并。 |
161 | ZNWAA.O | Zion Oil & Gas Inc Wt | Zion Oil & Gas, Inc. | 美国特拉华州 | - | 2003-07-09 | - | 12655 N Central Expressway, Suite 1000, Dallas, Texas, USA | Zion Oil & Gas, Inc., a Delaware corporation, is an oil and gas exploration company with a history of 18 years of oil and gas exploration in Israel. Zion currently holds one active petroleum exploration license onshore Israel, the Megiddo-Jezreel License, comprising approximately 99,000 acres. |
162 | BHACR.O | Barington/Hilco Acquisition Corp Rt | Barington/Hilco Acquisition Corp. | 美国特拉华州 | - | 2014-07-24 | - | 10990 Wilshire Blvd., Penthouse, Los Angeles, California, USA | Barington/Hilco Acquisition Corp. were formed for the purpose of entering into a merger, share exchange, asset acquisition, stock purchase, recapitalization, reorganization or other similar business combination with one or more target businesses. The Company have not generated any operating revenues and will not until after completion of their Initial Business Combination, at the earliest. |
163 | ADRA.O | BLDRS Asia 50 ADR Index Fund | - | - | 2002-11-13 | - | - | - | - |
164 | ELEC.O | Electrum Special Acquisition Corp | Electrum Special Acquisition Corporation | 英属维尔京群岛 | 2015-09-24 | 2014-12-12 | Thomas S. Kaplan | 700 Madison Avenue, 5th Floor, New York, New York, USA | Electrum Special Acquisition Corporation 是一家空壳公司,于2014年12月12日在英属维尔京群岛以有限责任公司形式注册成立。该公司成立的目的在于收购,从事股权置换,重组合并,购买全部或绝大部分的资产,进行合同安排,或与任何其他类似的一个或多个企业或实体进行合并,即整个招股说明书提及的最初的业务组合。 |
165 | UBND.O | WisdomTree Western Asset Unconstrained Bond Fund | - | - | 2021-10-05 | - | - | - | - |
166 | OACQ.O | Origo Acquisition Corp | Origo Acquisition Corporation | 开曼群岛 | 2015-01-07 | 2014-08-26 | Adam E. Levin | 708 Third Avenue, New York, New York, USA | Origo Acquisition Corporation is a blank check company formed on August 26, 2014 under the name CB Pharma Acquisition Corp. for the purpose of entering into a merger, share exchange, asset acquisition, share purchase, recapitalization, reorganization or similar business combination with one or more businesses or entities. The Company’s efforts in identifying a prospective target business is not limited to a particular industry or geographic region of the world. |
167 | INFR.O | Legg Mason Global Infrastructure ETF | - | - | 2016-12-30 | - | - | - | - |
168 | PY.O | Principal Shareholder Yield Index ETF | - | - | 2016-03-21 | - | - | Business Address 650 8TH STREET DES MOINES IA | - |
169 | RVEN.O | Reven Housing REIT Inc | Reven Housing REIT, Inc. | 美国马里兰州 | 2016-08-30 | 1995-04-26 | Chad M. Carpenter | 875 Prospect Street, Suite 304, La Jolla, California, USA | Reven Housing REIT, Inc. engages in the acquisition and ownership of portfolios of occupied single family rental properties in the United States. RVEN currently owns and operates SFR's in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, Tennessee, Texas and intends to expand throughout the United States. The company intends to qualify as a REIT for federal income tax purposes. As a REIT, it would not be subject to federal income tax to the extent that it distributes at least 90% of its taxable income to its shareholders. Reven Housing REIT, Inc., launched its new business plan to acquire portfolios of SFR's in 2012 and is headquartered in La Jolla, California. |
170 | ACCP.O | Accelerated Pharma Inc | Accelerated Pharma, Inc. | 美国特拉华州 | - | 2014-05-12 | Daniel Perez | 36 Church Lane, Westport, Connecticut, USA | Accelerated Pharma, Inc. is a clinical stage biopharmaceutical company focused on utilizing its genomic technology to (i) enhance the development of pre-existing pharmaceutical products for the treatment of various cancer indications, (ii) prospectively identify patients that may respond to such pharmaceutical products and (iii) commercialize such pharmaceutical products for sale in various markets. |
171 | SBNYW.O | Signature Bank Wt | Signature Bank | 美国纽约州 | 2010-03-11 | - | - | 565 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York, USA | Signature Bank (NASDAQ: SBNY) is a full-service commercial bank with offices in the five boroughs of New York City, as well as Nassau, Suffolk and Westchester counties in New York and Fairfield County in Connecticut. They focus on serving the financial needs of privately owned businesses, their owners and senior managers – a group of clients who often find themselves underserved by the area’s larger financial institutions. Signature Bank’s unique organizational structure allows their clients to have a single point of contact–through a Private Client Group–for all of their banking needs. The members of their Private Client Groups are recruited from major New York banks and brokerages, and given top-notch support, products and resources in order to best serve Signature Bank clients. Their structure combines small-bank responsiveness with large-bank experience and capability – truly the best of both worlds. |
172 | STLR.O | Stellaris Growth Acquisition Corp-A | Stellaris Growth Acquisition Corp. | 美国特拉华州 | - | 2021-02 | Ronald Felt | 78 SW 7th Street, Suite 500, Miami, Florida, USA | Stellaris Growth Acquisition Corp. (the “Company”) is a blank check company incorporated in the State of Delaware on February 1, 2021. The Company was formed for the purpose of acquiring, engaging in a share exchange, share reconstruction and amalgamation with, purchasing all or substantially all of the assets of, entering into contractual arrangements with, or engaging in any other similar business combination with one or more businesses or entities (“Business Combination”). Although the Company is not limited to a particular industry or geographic region for purposes of consummating a Business Combination, the Company intends to focus on a business focus on biotech industry. |
173 | BEAV.O | B/E Aerospace Inc | BE AEROSPACE, INC. | 美国特拉华州 | 1990-04-27 | 1987 | - | 1400 Corporate Center Way,Wellington,,33414 | BE航空航天股份有限公司为商业和普通航空飞机生产舱内饰品。该公司为大型航空公司、各种普通航空客户和机身制造商提供服务。产品包括各种飞机座椅产品、食品和饮料的制备和储存设备、机舱内部结构组件和氧气输送系统。 |
174 | GTWN.O | Georgetown Bancorp Inc | Georgetown Bancorp, Inc. | 美国马里兰州 | 2012-07-12 | 2012-03 | J. Richard Murphy | 2 East Main Street, Georgetown, Massachusetts, USA | Georgetown Bancorp, Inc. is the bank holding company for Georgetown Bank, a federally chartered thrift. Georgetown Bank operates three banking offices located in Georgetown, North Andover and Rowley, Massachusetts. |
175 | BFIT.O | Global X Health & Wellness Thematic ETF | - | - | 2016-05-10 | - | - | - | - |
176 | PNRG.O | PrimeEnergy Corp | PrimeEnergy Corporation | 美国特拉华州 | 1989-12-01 | 1973-03 | Charles E. Drimal, Jr. | 9821 Katy Freeway, Houston, Texas, USA | PrimeEnergy Corporation是一家从事石油和天然气业务的公司,主要进行收购,勘探,开发及生产原油及天然气。该公司的物业主要位于得克萨斯州,俄克拉荷马州,西弗吉尼亚州,墨西哥,新墨西哥,科罗拉多州和路易斯安那州。本公司通过其附属公司经营业务。该公司还积极收购,通过与行业合作伙伴的合资企业生产的石油和天然气。 |
177 | SBFGP.O | SB Financial Group Inc Series A Pfd | SB Financial Group, Inc. | 美国俄亥俄州 | 2015-02-02 | 2004-08 | Mark A. Klein | 401 Clinton Street, Defiance, Ohio, USA | SB Financial Group, Inc., headquartered in Defiance, Ohio, is a diversified financial services holding company for the State Bank & Trust Company (State Bank). State Bank provides a full range of financial services for consumers and small businesses, including wealth management, private client services, mortgage banking and commercial and agricultural lending, operating through a total of 20 banking centers; 19 in nine Ohio counties and one center in Fort Wayne, Indiana, and 25 full-service ATMs. The Company has six loan production offices located throughout the Tri-State region of Ohio, Indiana and Michigan. SB Financial's common stock is listed on the NASDAQ Capital Market under the symbol "SBFG". SB Financial's preferred stock is listed on the NASDAQ Capital Market under the symbol "SBFGP". |
178 | HEOP.O | Heritage Oaks Bancorp | Heritage Oaks Bancorp | 美国加利福尼亚州 | 2004-09-27 | 1994 | Michael J. Morris | 1222 Vine Street,Paso Robles,CA,93446 | Heritage Oaks Bancorp incorporated 是Heritage Oaks Bank银行的控股公司。该银行是一家面向社区的金融服务机构,并致力于为中小企业和消费者提供银行产品与服务。该行产品与服务主要透过其12间分布于加州中海岸的分行,以及其它直接渠道,包括两间位于Santa Barbara 和 Ventura Counties的办事处提供给客户。该行提供住宅抵押贷款服务,在线银行,账单支付,以及现金管理服务;远程存款捕捉,ACH & positive 支付,自动工资存入,预付费礼品卡,以及工资卡,部分高级ATMS,和移动银行等服务。2014年2月28日,公司完成了对Mission Community Bancorp的收购。 |
179 | GTYH.O | GTY Technology Holdings Inc | GTY Technology Holdings Inc. | 英属开曼群岛 | 2016-11-14 | 2016-08-11 | - | 1180 North Town Center Drive, Suite 100, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA | GTY Technology Holdings Inc. is a newly organized blank check company incorporated as a Cayman Islands exempted company and formed for the purpose of effecting a merger, share exchange, asset acquisition, share purchase, reorganization or similar business combination with one or more businesses, which it refers to throughout this prospectus as initial business combination. Company has not selected any potential business combination target and it has not, nor has anyone on its behalf, initiated any substantive discussions, directly or indirectly, with any potential business combination target. |
180 | MAUI.O | AdvisorShares Market Adaptive Unconstrained Income ETF | - | - | 2014-07-09 | - | - | - | - |
181 | DWAC.O | Elkhorn Commodity Rotation Strategy ETF | - | - | 2016-09-21 | - | - | - | - |
182 | PLKI.O | Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen Inc | Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen, Inc. | 美国明尼苏达州 | 2004-08-09 | 1972 | John M. Cranor | 400 Perimeter Center Terrace,Suite 1000,Atlanta,GA,30346 | Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen Inc,原名AFC Enterprises,Inc.develops,operates,经营、开发和授权经营速食馆、面包店和咖啡店,着名品牌包括Popeyes Chicken&Biscuits,Church's Chicken,Cinnabon,Seattle's Best Coffee和Torrefazione Italia。其管理业务分两类:特许经营权及企业经营的餐厅。公司还通过批发和零售销售渠道,以西雅图品牌销售特色咖啡。公司的Popeyes品牌为Cajun风味炸鸡。 |
183 | AIRM.O | Air Methods Corp | Air Methods Corporation | 美国特拉华州 | 1993-08-06 | 1982 | C. David Kikumoto | 7301 South Peoria,Englewood,CO,80112 | Air Methods Corporation (Air Methods)是一家美国空中医疗紧急运输服务及系统供应商。公司还从事设计,生产,以及安装医疗飞机内饰以及其它航空和医疗运输产品。公司业务部门包括Air Medical Services (AMS) 和 United Rotorcraft (UR) Division。AMS作为独立于医院和其他机构的独立服务商,向大众提供空中医疗运输服务。UR部门负责设计,生产,与安装飞机医疗内饰以及其它航空和医疗运输产品。2013年12月,公司宣布其完成了对Blue Hawaiian Helicopters及其附属公司的收购。 |
184 | ESGU.O | iShares MSCI USA ESG Optimized ETF | - | - | 2016-12-02 | - | - | - | - |
185 | IIJI.O | 首创网络 | Internet Initiative Japan Inc. | 日本 | 1999-08-04 | 1992-12-03 | Koichi Suzuki(铃木 幸一) | Iidabashi Grand Bloom, 2-10-2 Fujimi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan | Internet Initiative Japan Inc., founded in 1992, IIJ is one of Japan's leading Internet-access and comprehensive network solutions providers. IIJ and its group companies provide total network solutions that mainly cater to high-end corporate customers. IIJ's services include high-quality Internet connectivity services, systems integration, cloud computing services, security services and mobile services. Moreover, IIJ has built one of the largest Internet backbone networks in Japan that is connected to the United States, the United Kingdom and Asia. |
186 | AXAR.O | Axar Acquisition Corp | Axar Acquisition Corp. | 美国特拉华州 | 2014-10-29 | 2014-07-25 | Andrew Axelrod | 1330 Avenue of the Americas – 6th Floor, New York, New York, USA | Axar Acquisition Corp. is a blank check shell company. |
187 | DXKW.O | WisdomTree Korea Hedged Equity Fund | - | - | 2013-11-07 | - | - | - | - |
188 | LEXEB.O | Liberty Expedia Holdings Inc-B | Liberty Expedia Holdings, Inc. | 美国特拉华州 | 2016-11-07 | 2016-03-15 | John C. Malone | 12300 Liberty Boulevard, Englewood, Colorado, USA | Liberty Expedia Holdings, Inc. Its principal assets consist of its interest in Expedia, Inc. and its subsidiary Vitalize, LLC (formerly referred to as Bodybuilding.com). Expedia is an online travel company, empowering business and leisure travelers through technology with the tools and information they need to efficiently research, plan, book and experience travel. Vitalize is a holding company engaged in health, fitness, and media-related business segments. Vitalize currently has three wholly-owned operating subsidiaries: Bodybuilding, WeMotivate, and Verity Nutrition. |
189 | CPAH.O | CounterPath Corp | CounterPath Corporation | 美国内华达州 | 2012-07-11 | 2003-04-18 | Terence H. Matthews | Suite 300, One Bentall Centre, 505 Burrard Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada | CounterPath Corporation are changing the face of telecommunications. An industry and user favorite, Bria softphones for desktop, tablet and mobile devices, together with Stretto Platform server solutions, enable operators, OEMs and enterprises large and small around the globe to offer a seamless and unified over-the-top (OTT) communications experience across both fixed and mobile networks. The Bria and Stretto combination enables an improved user experience as an overlay to the most popular UC and IMS telephony and applications servers on the market today. Standards-based, cost-effective and reliable, CounterPath’s award-winning solutions power the voice and video calling, messaging, and presence offerings of customers such as AT&T, Avaya, BroadSoft, BT, Cisco Systems, Metaswitch Networks, Mitel, NEC, Network Norway, Nokia, Ribbon Communications, Rogers and Verizon. |
190 | MENT.O | Mentor Graphics Corp | Mentor Graphics Corporation | 美国俄勒冈州 | 1984-01-18 | 1981 | Walden C. Rhines | 8005 SW Boeckman Road,Wilsonville,OR,97070-7777 | Mentor Graphics Corporation是一家电子自动化设计工具提供商-电脑软件及硬件模拟系统用于自动设计,分析及测试机电系统,电子硬件级嵌入式系统软件。该公司向全球销售其产品,主要面向军工及航空、通讯、电脑、消费电子、半导体、网络、多媒体及运输行业的公司。该公司通过其直接销售队伍及分销渠道和销售代表销售其产品。该公司拥有下销售,支持,软件开发及专业服务办公点遍布全球。2014年3月,该公司收购了Berkeley Design Automation Inc.。 |
191 | FTXH.O | First Trust Nasdaq Pharmaceuticals ETF | - | - | 2016-09-21 | - | - | - | - |
192 | SRTSW.O | Sensus Healthcare Inc Wt | Sensus Healthcare, Inc. | 美国特拉华州 | 2016-07-25 | 2010-05-07 | - | 851 Broken Sound Pkwy., NW #215, Boca Raton, Florida, USA | Sensus Healthcare, Inc. is a medical device company that is committed to enabling non-invasive and cost-effective treatment of non-melanoma skin cancers and keloids. Sensus uses a proprietary low energy x-ray radiation technology known as superficial radiation therapy, which is a result of over a decade of dedicated research and development activities. |
193 | ISHG.O | iShares 1-3 Year International Treasury Bond ETF | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
194 | JXSB.O | Jacksonville Bancorp Inc | Jacksonville Bancorp, Inc. | 美国马里兰州 | 2010-07-15 | - | Andrew F. Applebee | 1211 West Morton Avenue, Jacksonville, Illinois, USA | Jacksonville Bancorp, Inc. is a Maryland chartered stock holding company. The Company’s operations are limited to its ownership of Jacksonville Savings Bank, an Illinois chartered savings bank, which operates six branch offices located in Morgan, Macoupin, and Montgomery Counties in Illinois. |
195 | SMCP.O | AlphaMark Actively Managed Small Cap ETF | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
196 | ANDAR.O | Andina Acquisition Corp III Rt | Stryve Foods, Inc. | 开曼群岛(英属) | 2019-03-06 | 2016-07-29 | - | 5801 Tennyson Parkway, Suite 275 Plano, Texas, USA | Stryve Foods, Inc. 's business is shoping biltong. Biltong is a process for preserving meat that originated centuries ago in South Africa. Stryve Biltong is 100% beef with no sugar, MSG, gluten, nitrates or preservatives. All natural. All flavorful. Always air dried to lock in flavor and nutrients. And - biltong has more protein in every bite than jerky. |
197 | BTEC.O | Principal Healthcare Innovators ETF | - | - | 2016-08-22 | - | - | Business Address 650 8TH STREET DES MOINES IA | - |
198 | CFNL.O | Cardinal Financial Corp | Cardinal Financial Corporation | 美国弗吉尼亚州 | 1998-07-17 | 2001 | Bernard H. Clineburg | 8270 Greensboro Drive,Suite 500,McLean,VA,22102 | Cardinal Financial Corporation是一家金融控股公司。该公司拥有Cardinal Bank,一家州特许社区银行。该公司通过其附属公司George Mason Mortgage, LLC 和 Cardinal First Mortgage, LLC经营按揭业务,通过Cardinal Wealth Services, Inc.经营证券经纪业务,通过Wilson/Bennett Capital Management, Inc.经营资产管理业务,通过Cardinal银行的信托部门经营投资管理及退休计划业务。2014年1月,该公司宣布其控股的Cardinal银行完成收购United Financial Banking Companies, Inc..2014年3月,该公司完成并购其子公司Cardinal Bank 和 The Business Bank。 |
199 | ABEOW.O | Abeona Therapeutics Inc Wt | Abeona Therapeutics Inc. | 美国特拉华州 | 2014-12-19 | 1974 | - | 3333 Lee Parkway, Suite 600, Dallas, Texas, USA | Abeona Therapeutics Inc. (NASDAQ: ABEO) is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on developing novel therapies for life-threatening rare genetic diseases. Developing therapies for rare disease requires new approaches and strong collaboration between researchers, industry, regulators and patient groups. Abeona was forged from the company’s close collaborations with key stakeholders all dedicated to transforming new biotechnology insights into breakthrough treatments for rare diseases. |
200 | BLVD.O | Boulevard Acquisition Corp II | Boulevard Acquisition Corp. II | 美国特拉华州 | 2015-11-12 | 2015-07-16 | Marc Lasry | 399 Park Avenue,6th Floor, New York, New York, USA | Boulevard Acquisition Corp. II是一家在特拉华州新成立的空白支票公司,公司通过招股说明书阐述了最初的业务组合,主要用于实现合并、资本股票交易、资产收购、股权收购、与一个或多个业务的重组或类似的业务组合目的。它目前为止并未发现任何潜在的业务合并的目标,也没有任何人代表其发起任何实质性讨论,包括直接或间接地与任何潜在的企业合并的目标。 |